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  1. M

    new members end Oct / beg Nov

    Well done on losing 11lbs new me. I missed my stop in on Saturday but hopefully at my meeting on Thursday ill be hoping for something similar. I have been reading a thread management just to get a feel for whats in store much later and seen piks of before and after - It was absolutely fab and...
  2. M

    Just Do It's Before and After Photos

    Absolutely fab...........well done on ur fantastic loss. Ive also been reading ur thread on management just to see whats in store its nice to know whats going on and now by seeing ur piks, i feel ever more determined and cant wait. I have only jus started and am on my 4th day today have lost...
  3. M

    new members end Oct / beg Nov

    Hiya all well done for your weight loss so far. I am on day 3 of LL and getting used to the packs.
  4. M

    Lots of new members - shall we do an intro thread?

    Hiya all, Its my 1st day on the food packs today, seems to be going well so far. Im just wondering how people have coped with preparing their food at work - ive been using the mushroom blender at home as i find the powder doesnt mix to well. Has anyone experienced this or am i doing...