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  1. G

    am I alone - put ON weight in first 3 weeks

    thats a good idea. I am struggling again today - ok not struggling, more bingeing. :break_diet: BUT maybe I can begin again(again, again) tomorrow and plan to do that. I don't look SO fat I suppose, just fatter than I want to/have in the past - if there were no such thing as scales maybe I...
  2. G

    am I alone - put ON weight in first 3 weeks

    I've actually had to reduce the amount of exercise `i do as I was doing WAY too much - 3+ hours a day 7 days a week! Now, its HIIT 4 days a week, plus weight training 3 days and some yoga - only one long run a week and a full rest day. SO, yes, I have always been exercising this much. I think...
  3. G

    am I alone - put ON weight in first 3 weeks

    First week was green. When I had the gain I tried extra easy - and lost - so 3rd week I did that again - and gained again and even more? I honestly can't think why.
  4. G

    am I alone - put ON weight in first 3 weeks

    I'm back at SW. I have been saintly for 3 full weeks. First weigh in - 2.5lbs on. Consultant checked my totally accurate and truthful diary - and I'd done it all right. Also exercised hard 6 out of 7 days (have to have a rest day)!! Second weigh in - 5lbs OFF - woo hoo, off I go I...