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  1. T

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Am bit behind re-start today sick of bursting out of everything in two years have put every pound back on and further 21!!!!!! c'mon can do this!:D
  2. T

    newbie ,end week 1,,weigh in results

    WOW!!!! Brilliant!!! Keep up the brilliant work! Whoohooooo.....roll on next week eh?
  3. T

    About other people and little devils.......

    Absolutely listen to your OH he sounds a lovely man, understanding and supportive. You're doing excellent, just carry on with what you're doing! Well done for the fantastic loss so far!
  4. T

    Please tell me I'm not alone and there is a way out

    That's me in SSNML, managed day and half and have just had a cereal bar and packet of crinkleys!!!!! Why!!!!! I need to have a look through my cd books maybe ss just isnt for me at the moment, perhaps i should start higher up and work my way down to ss. Just that I know ss is great when you are...
  5. T

    Really Fed up & Down, not sure what to do :0( need Help!

    Yes you're absolutely right, its a getting your head in the zone problem I have. I have done it before and that means its not impossible! Thanks I needed that!
  6. T


    Fantastic, well done you!!:)
  7. T

    Really Fed up & Down, not sure what to do :0( need Help!

    I'm in the same position too and trying to get my head around this restarting is tough. I have put back on the two and half stone I lost last year and am trying to get back on the wagon. I attempted it several times before Christmas and then again once the New Year started and was fine until the...
  8. T

    Weigh in Results!!

    That's Fantastic!!!!:D
  9. T

    Am REALLY hacked off!

    How awful for you! I know its difficult to ignore hurtful comments as they stick in your mind and they keep replaying. I was almost at goal, fell off the wagon and am now back where I started. Nobody's perfect and he's just a spiteful tosser. Don't feel bad about the chips (I would of done the...