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  1. T

    How do you find the willpower?

    Hi Lana, well done for making those choices, it sounds like you're ready this time. I had six pregnancies in 5 years, won three and lost three. It really does mess up your head AND your body :cry:! I had some counselling and found it a terrific help, so I hope you do too. I have been fat...
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    Who am I ?

    Hiya, I've had the same thing happen to me a few times now. I find that women are dead interested in HOW you've lost the weight and want to know all the gory details so you can't really escape talking about it, whereas men just say you look fantastic and often they don't really know why, bless...
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    gold spot, where sells it?

    Hi, don't think you can get a spray from LL themselves, but you can use any breath spray as long as you don't overdo it. I prefer Sainsburys own brand minty one to Gold Spot, and it's cheaper too :) TC x
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    Six Stone To Lose?

    Good luck folks! I have just lost 6 stone (on Lighterlife) and that took 5 months. I remember looking at this thread when I began and thinking I'd be happy to lose 3 stone, and then over time realising that I might really do it this time and end up a slim person. What a great feeling it is...
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    atkins diet weight loss v's CD...

    Hi Kira, are you still about? Just wondered if you are doing the idiot-proof diet now and if so, how it's going. I've just lost over 6 stone with Lighterlife and will soon be at goal. I know that I'm a carb addict and need to stay away from them in future, and Neris & India's book struck a...
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    Please can I have some advice?

    Well done for keeping going - you've done the right thing. I've had lots of lapses over 6 months, some small like yours, others massive, but each time I've picked myself up and carried on and I've been so glad I did. Your new house will still be there in a few months time to do nice...
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    Non-food things that make you smile!

    Group cuddles with my 3 under-fives. Buying jeans in a size 12 - yippee! Weighing less than my husband for the first time ever. Going shopping with my girlfriends and no longer being the fat one waiting outside the changing rooms saying 'yeah that's great, buy the size 8'.
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    Worried about putting all the weight back on!

    Hiya, there's no doubt that a lot of people do regain some or all of their weight, but then that's the same with all diets if you return to your old eating habits. The ones I know who have been successful have all completed the Route to Management, and then when maintaining have all taken...
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    Lighter life versus a dead beat relationship!

    Well done brave girls (& boy!). I've been doing LL for 6 months now, and one thing I've noticed is that the process certainly sorts the wheat from the chaff where the other halves are concerned. Some are fantastic, some feel very threatened. I've been a lucky girl and my lovely husband has...
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    Thinking of doing Lighterlife...advice please!

    Hi Pinkster, I'd definitely say my energy levels increased quite considerably after the first couple of days - I'm at home with 3 under-fives and I find I cope a lot better and do more housework! Don't think you'd need time off work, in fact being at work would be better for the first few days...
  11. T

    Possible Treatment for the dreaded Hair loss!!

    Hiya, sorry, didn't want to scare the pants off anyone! Everyone in my group noticed some loss, but I seem to have it the worst, maybe because I had just had a baby. I do know lots of people though who experience no loss at all. People who never lapse at all don't seem to be affected until...
  12. T

    Thinking of doing Lighterlife...advice please!

    Hiya, can't comment on CD either as I haven't done it since the 80s, but some other benefits of LL include the group support which is a massive part of it as you retain the same group throughout, the discipline of having to demonstrate every week to your counsellor that you're in ketosis by...
  13. T

    Possible Treatment for the dreaded Hair loss!!

    Hiya, my hair has also been falling out in handfuls since about week 12 of abstinence, though the loss is evenly distributed across my head, so no bald patches or anything. I had a baby 4 months before starting LL as well, so I'm trying to tell myself that it is the extra shedding I would have...
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    Ketosis sleep

    Hiya, I was making a list of all the LL positives today, both to distract myself and offset the small number of negatives in my head. Sleeping like the dead was definitely one of the good points! I wake up in the same position I fall asleep in, having not moved all night. I'm sure your body...
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    Curious and bit scared

    Hiya - there are a few different threads that you should read about this problem with doctors. You have to stick to your guns - you're not asking them to endorse the diet, just sign a form to state that there's no reason you shouldn't follow a VLCD. Insist on an appointment with a doctor (not...
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    New to LL but having an issue with my DR.

    Hi Toni, My doctors surgery was also very unhelpful. The head receptionist kept finding excuses not to give me an appointment, until I nearly missed joining my current group. I had to pay £24 to get the form signed, and she tried to scare me by saying it might cost the same as a full medical...
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    Am I lapsing?

    Ha ha, I have at least 2 bars a day for the first 2-3 days a week after I get my weekly supplies. I like the shakes, but I just like the bars more. It means 'shakes only' for the other days, but I find if the bars are sitting there, I think about them a lot, which is not good. So, I just get...
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    Curious and bit scared

    Hey fatgirl666, good luck, you're in the right place - Lighterlife is simple and very, very fast. Please don't do what I did and put on half a stone while you're waiting for 24th June! I was also a size 24 just 16 weeks ago in February, and am now just 1lb from losing 5 stone in total. Who...
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    Sorry, bit personal...

    Hey Hotstuff, you started the week before me and have almost an identical amount to lose and weight loss pattern so far. Are you planning to carry on past the 100 days? I'm hoping to shift the rest in 3 further months if I can. How about you? TC x
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    Sorry, bit personal...

    My group has no shame when it comes to discussing this sort of thing, ha ha, and one thing I've noticed is that everyone has a bit of a different experience - one lady mentioned she hadn't been for a fortnight (eek!) and one goes after every single foodpack. Just shows how different we all are...
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    Ll Welcome Thread Sign In Thread 2008

    Hello everyone, I'm quite new to this forum, but find it really inspirational when I'm having a bad moment. I started LL on 18 Feb so have done 10 weeks so far, losing 48lb (3st 6lb) in the process. I can honestly say it's the easiest but most effective diet I have ever done. With three...
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    Sorry, bit personal...

    Hi Kaalin, after this little episode is sorted, you might find things move naturally a bit more often anyway - I'm on week 11 and go a couple of times a day now. Have you tried the water flavourings from your LLC? They contain fibre and tend to shoot things through a bit. Also, if you have...
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    unofficial recipes with food packs

    Crisps I have the chicken 'crisps' every day - it did take me a couple of goes to get it completely right. I tend to make a smooth paste (the consistency of toothpaste), and spread it onto greaseproof paper with the back of a spoon to make little discs. Nuke for 1 minute, then 20 seconds at a...
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    Struggling LighterLifer's

    Hello, just a quickie as I'm new. Glad I found this thread as looking for inspiration on what to do when you have a bad day. I'm in week 9 of Foundation and had my first proper lapse today when I was making cakes with my kids. Doh! Why was I making cakes at all? Anyway, I've chosen to learn...