Binge eating Diary

I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say on this post, I think I more just need to let all my thoughts out somewhere and here is the only place I can think of ..
I started putting weight on at university at that time it was no biggy, I just started exercise & more balanced diet until something would happen whether it was good/bad/upsetting/exciting/tiring etc whatever the emotion I would eat more but still my when I had an emotional moment It still wasn't so bad on my weight or overall health. Overtime (2yrs on) I had to stop uni due to long term illness, I am now back home basically stuck doing nothing apart from eating until I feel sick, and if I feel sick sometimes I make myself sick. I have a healthy balanced meals breakfast, lunch & dinner and somedays I will be fine but somedays I will binge and when I binge I fill my supermarket basket full of sugar, chocolate, ice cream & sneakily eat it whether this is home alone, walking home alone or in my bedroom quietly. I'm sick of it! As soon as I start I don't stop. I completely ignore trying to lose the 2stone I need to lose to be healthy. I get so embarrassed at slimming world but i like the way it works. Does anyone else have binge eating disorder?
I really feel for you. I have struggled for an age with binge eating and did not cope well with the self loathing feelings it brought. Like you, I'd go to the shops and buy lots of pure junk then eat it wherever I the car on the way home being the first step. Then I'd get in with a pocket full of creme eggs and dash off to the loo to eat them. They barely even touched the sides on the way down! Then I'd feel depressed and angry at myself thus triggering the vicious cycle. I have since learned some self control and can recognise triggers and the key times of day that it's likely to happen. I've no idea what changed in me...perhaps the idea of being overweight and unhappy for the rest of my life? I still sometimes have the urge and I still sometimes act on it, but nowhere close to the extent I did before. I'm now doing SW and losing the weight. I just have to keep on the ball and not let my focus slip.

Best of luck to you. I think you'll find that documenting your feelings will help. It certainly has for me x
Aww I am following this thread with interest. I have definitely experienced some of this in my past. Thankfully since joining SW again back in Jan I have been able to keep on top of this and have not relapsed so far. It is a constant worry though, but I am letting the momentum of my current progress carry me for now. I had let myself go so badly I couldn't have kept on the way I was :( Wishing you all the best and hope you can get over it too.
Deffo have been there . It's a really bad habit, but the good news is habits can be broken. I myself used to be a midnight binger so I feel for your situation.