46lbs - a journey with a small spoon !

Ooo! Well done on your stone and a half award, that's fab, I'm hoping for a good loss this week as I was so naughty last week and maintained lol! No trips to McD's for me lol!
we all have to be naughty from time to time! xx

thinking of hibernating today...i'd need an ark to get out of the door anyway!
not been here much recently ...the boys and the ice hockey play off weekend have kept me away from the key board! Also been having a bad week with pain levels Im struggling to keep under control.
The gain I expected last week hit me this week..only a 1lb but still disappointing. Continuing to try damage limitation for this coming week too , especially as I'll be at my parents weds-sat.

hope you all had a lovely easter and normal service will be resumed soon-ish! xx
Hey Pix!

Sorry to hear you're in pain but can I just say (I don't mean for this to sound patronising at all because thats not my intention) but bluddy well done on sticking to this when you are in pain! Not sure what kind of pain you're having but with me, any type of pain/illness and I really feel the need to eat comfort foods, so well done :D Good luck for sticking to it for the rest of the week.

Take care :)

thanks Patsy xxx :bighug:
easter holidays are nearly over and hopefully life can get back to normal again! Having spent time at my parents and having had both boys with me for two weeks I was worried about another gain this week, but I had a loss of 1.5 lbs! It helps not being a chocolate liker as I wasnt tempted by an easter eggs lol

so Im back on track and down another 0.5lb from where I was..and within sniffing distance of the 11's now !! That's really spurring me on to being really careful about how I eat as it will be a huge pyschological boost to have gone from the higher 13's into the 11's . I could have been well into it by now if I was alwaus 100% on plan but that's not going to happen and this slower steadier loss, with its ups and downs, is more like something I can just stick with as a way of eating. Overall the weight is going down, so Im happy!

owen goes back to uni on thursday and i'll have more time to potter on here again xx
G'day! Congratulations on the weight loss piX. So chuffed for you!! It will indeed be a huge psychological boost to be able to go over the threshold to the 11's. A couple of more good months and you could be in sight of your target weight. That has to be a good feeling?

It's good you're going to be back on here more often again. I've been a bit absent myself of late but that's all going to change now. I'm back at work today so fully intend to get back on track with this diet. I'll be keeping up to date with your progress too though.

Stay smiling!!

Kev XX
How lucky that you don't like chocolate! I love the stuff, can't get enough of it :p Well done on the loss Pix! xxx

thanks Leah .... crisps and savoury snacks have always been my downfall, and biscuits ! The new Ma'amite comes out t oday so I can feel a trip to sainsburys coming on lol xx
back into the swing of Friday weighing but no loss to report as I only weighed last time on Monday. I have seen the scales at 12 st this week but today its stubbornly sat at 12 st 1 ..so thats where I stay for now. Come on, the 11's .... so close now!

My elder son finally went back to huddersfield yesterday so I have the house to myself again during the days, Im sure it will feel very strange. Having a really rough patch with the neuro problems I have, with relentlessly high pain levels that are making me grumpy, withdrawn and sleep deprived! Really not myself at all. That said, I try so hard not to let it defeat me and so Im going to take the camera out and try and photograph the newborn lambs that have appeared in a field close to my house. I was hoping to go and see the dress rehearsal for the olympic torch as its being held in this area, but I dont think I could manage the standing today. A bit of a bugger but there you go.

so pleased to see how positive Kev's being !!! and hi to Leah and Patsy too xxx
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How lucky that you don't like chocolate! I love the stuff, can't get enough of it :p Well done on the loss Pix! xxx

thanks Leah xx I cant see your diary anymore but I hope youre doing ok xxx
Hey Pix, nice to hear from you again :D

I've moved my thread into the silver members section but I'm pleased to say I'm still sticking to plan :)

I'm sure you will be in the 11's in no time, you're so close already!! I'm hoping to get into the 11's this week (that would make it a 4lb loss) I'm aiming high but i've tried my hardest this week so I have my fingers (and toes) crossed!

Your eldest son lives near me, about a 15 minute drive away! I went to college there :) (A bit of random info for you there haha)

Well I hope you start feeling better soon Pix!!

Take care,

Leah xxxx
back into the swing of Friday weighing but no loss to report as I only weighed last time on Monday. I have seen the scales at 12 st this week but today its stubbornly sat at 12 st 1 ..so thats where I stay for now. Come on, the 11's .... so close now!

My elder son finally went back to huddersfield yesterday so I have the house to myself again during the days, Im sure it will feel very strange. Having a really rough patch with the neuro problems I have, with relentlessly high pain levels that are making me grumpy, withdrawn and sleep deprived! Really not myself at all. That said, I try so hard not to let it defeat me and so Im going to take the camera out and try and photograph the newborn lambs that have appeared in a field close to my house. I was hoping to go and see the dress rehearsal for the olympic torch as its being held in this area, but I dont think I could manage the standing today. A bit of a bugger but there you go.

so pleased to see how positive Kev's being !!! and hi to Leah and Patsy too xxx
So sorry to hear about your ongoing fight with the pains you've been having. I very much wish there was something more I could offer than a bit of friendly support but as I failed my neurosurgeon entry exam (turns out a man's brain isn't really kept there - it's just a rumour! Who'd have thunk it?) I'm going to have to stick to trying to make you smile and give you what support I can - as I'm sure all your friends on here will. Big respect for you for trying to fight past it and get on with things though.

Are you quite in to photography? It's something I've been toying with getting in to for some time now. It stems from wanting to take better portrait photos of my son really. That and living where a sea view is never more than a case of facing in a different direction. There are some really cute lambs around here too. I see them when I take the dog for a walk but they normally run away from her (or maybe it's me!!) so I'm not sure if they'd ever be close enough to photograph. I used to take a bunch of sunsets when I worked away. There wasn't really a whole lot else to see when you were in the middle of an ocean for sometimes weeks at a time though. I do like taking them though. Here's the view from my office I had in the winter when the sun was setting earlier:


I hope the pain subsides for you enough to have an enjoyable day and indeed weekend. Take care.

Kev X
wow Leah, looking at your stats your doing really well .. IVe stalled a bit but determined to get going again, I have to accept that I cant do as much when Im unwell and I cant predict when Im going to get a flare up. Great stuff though..your target is within sight! xx
Jason Manford.jpgRob Deering.jpg

check me out with my new best friends ;) The guy in the superman t-shirt is Rob Deering, a musical comedian - I had belly ache from laughing at him! He's coming to Nottingham next month so we'll definitely be going to see him again.
I have a huge loathing of having my picture taken but Im glad I was brave as these are lovely memories ! We had our picture taken with John Bishop too, but they club took those so we need to wait for them to appear on their website.

well worth a 200 mile trip on a whim !
Dosa.jpg This was the largest dosa Ive ever had on a plate in front of me ...they're a life saver too as they are gluten and dairy free. Even though its only the middle bit that has filling ( the paler section ) i still couldnt eat it all. no idea how many syns but its rice and lentil that makes the pancake and potato/onion filling in this one so it wont be too bad. I had a fit of the giggles when it arrived though ! And I love how much slimmer I look behind it too lol Graham didnt deliberately cut off my head, it ws just me or the dosa!