9 week plank, squat, crunches challenge

Trying hard 2014

Gold Member

Myself, Scotminx and CrazyLadyA have weddings on or around 16th April. Scot and Crazy are walking up the aisle. I'm doing a reading at my bestie's wedding. So we decided to try to tone up a little bit. Here's the rules...

Look at the photos. Check ur technique and posture correct. Check out videos on YouTube if u are still unclear.

1. Plank every day, hold as long as possible and post ur time. Don't worry if its 3 secs. I have a weak back and can't hold long but I'm hoping to build it up.

2. Do the squat challenge. Carrie has kindly provided us with a 30 day challenge to get us started. You can put a fit ball behind ur back and against a wall, if u need extra support. The photo depicts a barbell. We won't be using one if them! Just put ur arms out in front of you.

3 Do 3 set of crunches. 10 repetitions each set of regular crunches and 3 sets of 10 reps of any other type of crunch. You can do both regular crunches if ur struggling!

4. Post daily what you have done. encourage fellow challengees :)

Do it all, do some bits that suit you, do bits of bits. Just try and do something. Everyone welcome, and I mean everyone. Fit or not!

Good luck! X

Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...


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For the bits that have been trimmed off on squat challenge...

Today 50, under that us 75, then 110 under that then 180. Ouch! X

Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...
Day 1 done;

1 plank 31 seconds, wobbled like mad
50 squats (felt burn at 33!)
3 x10 regular crunches, 3x10 bicycle crunches

Off to gym now... Have a good day :) x

Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...


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I will join you.

Day 1

Plank 41.8

Squats 28 & my knee gave in(always had a problem with squats/squat thrusts) think I will do press ups instead.

3 * 10 normal, 3 * 10 bicycle.

Sent from my HTC One X+
Day 1 done; 1 plank 31 seconds, wobbled like mad 50 squats (felt burn at 33!) 3 x10 regular crunches, 3x10 bicycle crunches Off to gym now... Have a good day :) x Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...

And now you're off to the gym - you are one dedicated lady!!!

Not sure I'd keep up with it all....I have squats in my gym routine (with weights) so will opt out there but I don't have an abs plan, so I'm gonna give it a go!! Daily???!!!!
Oh I'm so going to pass on this challenge - good luck all!
Count me in!
And now you're off to the gym - you are one dedicated lady!!!

Not sure I'd keep up with it all....I have squats in my gym routine (with weights) so will opt out there but I don't have an abs plan, so I'm gonna give it a go!! Daily???!!!!

Yes daily :) just do what you can! X

Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...
I will join you.

Day 1

Plank 41.8

Squats 28 & my knee gave in(always had a problem with squats/squat thrusts) think I will do press ups instead.

3 * 10 normal, 3 * 10 bicycle.

Sent from my HTC One X+

Well done Chris!

Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...
Thanks for setting this up TH! I'm totally in :D Will be back with my day 1 results tonight. Well done to those who have day 1 under their belt already - woohoo!

Was just wondering how many days this would run for over the 9 weeks... Total = 81. So today will be 1/81. Wowser!
Thanks for setting this up TH! I'm totally in :D Will be back with my day 1 results tonight. Well done to those who have day 1 under their belt already - woohoo!

Was just wondering how many days this would run for over the 9 weeks... Total = 81. So today will be 1/81. Wowser!

Yup SM. 81 days. We'll need to change it around a bit and mix it up because we'll get good at the exercises. Well, that's the theory! X

Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...
Are those squats all at the same time or spread out through out the day!!
Well wonders will never cease, I did it. Must be fitter than I thought. I'm a bit worried of my discs slipping while doing the crunches so need to be careful. I have a special board that supports the back so will get that out of the garage & put it in my bedroom.

Day 1

Plank 35 seconds - don't know how!!

Squats 50

3 x 10 normal, 3 x 10 crunch twist - much kinder on the lower back

After all that I bet my plank will last all of 9 seconds tomorrow
Wow well done Susie! That's a really good day 1 plank time :D xx
Well wonders will never cease, I did it. Must be fitter than I thought. I'm a bit worried of my discs slipping while doing the crunches so need to be careful. I have a special board that supports the back so will get that out of the garage & put it in my bedroom.

Day 1

Plank 35 seconds - don't know how!!

Squats 50

3 x 10 normal, 3 x 10 crunch twist - much kinder on the lower back

After all that I bet my plank will last all of 9 seconds tomorrow :rolleyes:

Well done Susie! X

Ht 5ft 1 Start wt 14st BMI 37. Wk1 -18lbs, BMI 33.6 Wk2 -2 BMI 33.2, Wk3 -3.5 BMI 32.5, Wk4...
Day 1/65 plank, etc challenge done.

Plank - 42 seconds, was shaking all over.
50 squats - not too bad...
1 x 10 regular crunches, and 1 x 10 bicycle crunches.

I have zero core strength. I need to work on that. Doing the plank first just wiped me for the crunches. That's ok though - can only get stronger!

Screenshot_2014-02-09-21-11-20.png Plank time day 1

Also managed a 20 minute beginner yoga sequence - not bad with a hangover! :p
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Day 1/65 done

Plank 32 seconds
50 squats
2 x 30 regular crunches
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