Anyone else starting Monday :) Would love A diet buddy :)

Hi I re-started yesterday so thought if pop in to say hi. I've done all vlcd's my best loss was in 2011 on lipotrim when i got down to 11stone from 17stone 4lb in 5 months. i was so happy but ended up gaining it all back within 18 months :( I've got hyper mobility, bipolar and fibromyalgia. I'm a big emotional eater which is my problem. I wanted to go back to lipotrim but I hate my pharmacist's patronising approach so I switched to exante and i bought a month of slim and save to try last year. They all need using so I'm mixing the two. I'm on day 2 of 116 days and I weigh 16.2 I need to get as much off as I can for my holiday in Tunisia on 4th August. We have 4 sons but we are going away alone for the first time in 19 years together and it's going to be our 3 year wedding anniversary too so as we had no honey moon we want to make it special and I don't want to spend the 2 weeks hiding away :) good luck to everyone just started or restarted

Muffy xx

I'm starting on Tuesday and using up the last of my Exante packs and am eagerly awaiting my trial pack from s&s to arrive which I think will be Tues as only ordered it yesterday evening. S&S was recommended by one of my birth board buddies as she's recently started dieting and has found it easy to get on with.

Anyway, I'm Kerry a Mum of 2, DD is 4 and DS is 2.5 I've always struggled with my weight, have an under active thyroid, PCOS and Lupas so a few medical conditions there to scupper my weight lose although the reason I am the weight I am today is because I eat too much and am a sucker for emotional eating. Anyway, I've decided to give it one last go at shifting the lard as I don't want to be fat forever. I started Exante a week ago and will be starting S&s next week when I've used up the last of my shakes. I have about 5.5 - 6 stone to lose and am hoping I will be able to do it or be well on the way before August when I embrace the midlife crisis and head to the v festival, I do not want to be the fat old one when I'm there with my friends who are skinny and in their 20s

Am looking forward to getting to know you all.

I also have an under active thyroid and I am being tested for PCOS, slim an sav is the only diet that works for me. I'm back on it- came off it after nearing my goal and though I was eating ok I ended up putting weight back on- think I need a medication review!