Barb's Up and Down Diary

Im still watching avidly, you are doing great juddering and Im doing ok myself on the old WLR, if it cocks up then Im with ya!
You certainly are Vicky, wow, just 4lbs to go!

Thanks for your good wishes Karion and RD, I do feel I have found THE plan for me and i just feel so much happier. Yesterday was an UD and so I was very surprised to get on the scales and be another .5lb down! Very encouraging and the first time following an UD that I have not gained a little. Having today as a 2nd UD and will see what effect that has on the overall weeks losses. Still feel totally up for this plan and really excited looking ahead.

I can see a slim future ahead for the first time in my adult life.
Monday is my 'offical' weigh in day, but I am weighing every day at present just out of interest to see the fluctuations. It is interesting that the trend is steadily downwards, which is exactly what I want to see. Very much hoping for a 2lb loss on Monday morning, you can bet I will be on here first thing to let all the Juddders know how I've got on!
So 2 UD's in a row and overall just .25lb up - pretty impressed with that! Definately noticing a change in my attitude to food, actually not as interested in the naughty stuff as I was. Last night me and DH went for an Indian meal - I had prawn puree but left most of the pancake thing and then tandoori prawns with salad. Yes, I do love prawns! Not bad choices really, time was I would have gone for the masala sauce etc... Anyway, DD today and feel very happy about it. Going to try not to eat till later in the day as I like to save some cals for the evening.

Happy Judddering everyone!
:cool:Well my fellow Juddders seem a bit thin on the ground today - perhaps it is all this gorgeous sunshine tempting them away from their PC's.
I am havinga great DD, just been in to town and treated myself to some nice new clothes. I figure I might as well look as good as possible whilst I am a work in progress! Got a lovely cool dress and some pretty tops that will just hang lose as the weight comes off. I'm loving these long line smocky tops, they really covering the tum, which is definately my worst bit.

Only had 127 cals so far today so very pleased with that. Can't wait for tomorrows weigh in, hope its 2lbs or even a little more!:cool:
hi Barb,
glad your having a good day, i also thought us JUDDDerers ? were abith thin today - on the ground that is ;)
i'm on UD today & so far had some houmous & carots, fresh pineapple, porridge,chicken sandwich, go ahead bar & low fat crisps. I have roast beef, new pots & salad planned for dinner.
i'm so glad i started this, it really does seem to be much better for my head than the previous food guilt times, thanks for introducing me to it
You are so welcome Cheryl, I am so glad it is proving so positive for you. You know i could not be a greater fan, it has really turned my life around. All my negative thoughts seem to have gone away and I just feel GOOD!

Well week 2 done and another 2lbs off, thats a total of 6, very happy. Especially considering I did 4 UD's and 3 DD's last week.

Bring on week 3!!!
well done Barb,6lbs in 2 weeks is really good, bet your chuffed !
So far after 2 UD's & 1 DD i am 1lb down, i will record on the loss thread tommorrow as that is my "official" weigh day, just thought i'd let you know how i'm doing
Thanks Dizzy, yes I am chuffed to bits. Feel so confident and positive it really is great. If I can chip away 2lbs a week for as long as it takes that will suit me fine. After all you couldn't expect any better really on WW or SW.
Brilliant Cheryl, you are doing so well - looking forward to your official weigh in!
This is just so much fun, don't feel like I am in a diet at all!

That's a definate first!

Jem, 168lbs lost - that is just amazing. You must feel like a completely different person. Very inspiring for folk at the beginning of their journey to see a loss like that. Makes anything seem possible, because you have proved it is.

sounds amazing !

hi barb i don,t think you know me but i have been on the forum for a while i this diet does sound like a way ahead for me to i,m watching your thread closely it sounds to good to be true just amazing
do you have cd shakes on dd and what things can you have on up etc

apppretiate any help and info

sorry did,nt mean to post new thread i was suppose to tap the reply i, stupid
but there was another question what the 20% 30% 40% 50% mode thing about !

Its good to have a new thread on JUDDD - keeps us in the public eye -LOL!

The weight loss percentages thing relates to how much and how fast i think. For instance for the fastest loss you go with 205 of the cals your body needs on a DD, the calculator works that our for you. Say your bod needed exactly 2500 cals on a daily basis to maintain your weight then a DD would be 500cals, for maximum loss. however if you are in this for the long haul and have lts to lose then DR Johnson says many people find 30 -35% easier which would give you 875cals on a DD at 35%.

Its up to the individual really. I am sticking to 500 or less and going to see how well I cope. Depend how much you have to lose and in how much of a hurry you are!

On an UD you can have what your body needs i.e 2500 or even a bit more but DrJ suggests you don't calorie count as the whole idea of this plan is that it doesn't feel like a diet so you don't get what he describes as 'diet fatique'

Hope that helps!

Jem, 168lbs lost - that is just amazing. You must feel like a completely different person. Very inspiring for folk at the beginning of their journey to see a loss like that. Makes anything seem possible, because you have proved it is.


Thanks :D, I can hardly believe I managed it!

Totally life changing - I just wish I'd done it 10 years ago! If I can do it, anyone can!

I'm now thinking of juddering to maintain - you have inspired me!
