Bucket list diary

Woohoo! Week 3 weigh in and I lost another 6lbs! That 18lbs in 3 weeks and 2lbs away from being in the teens. I have been in the 19s before, around a year ago, but my first goal (aside from Peggy's challenge) will be to get to the 18s. I cannot remember being 18st, probably when I was around 18 years old!! (I'm 28 now)
Woohoo! Week 3 weigh in and I lost another 6lbs! That 18lbs in 3 weeks and 2lbs away from being in the teens. I have been in the 19s before, around a year ago, but my first goal (aside from Peggy's challenge) will be to get to the 18s. I cannot remember being 18st, probably when I was around 18 years old!! (I'm 28 now)

wooohoo Natty, won't be long now til you are away past the 18 mark :))
Woohoo! Week 3 weigh in and I lost another 6lbs! That 18lbs in 3 weeks and 2lbs away from being in the teens. I have been in the 19s before, around a year ago, but my first goal (aside from Peggy's challenge) will be to get to the 18s. I cannot remember being 18st, probably when I was around 18 years old!! (I'm 28 now)

Fantastic!!!!!! Well done!!! X
So I'm attending a wedding on Friday with some friends from college and I wouldn't want to tell them I'm doing the diet. My excuse for not drinking is that I'm on antibiotics (easy!) but how do I get out of eating? I don't know how to get around this, or do I just have a 1 day break from LT? I don't know what to do!!!
I've been sooo busy these last few days making a bouquet for my friends wedding that ive really struggled getting the water in and i missed a shake too. The last 2 days ive only drank around 1-1.5litres which i feel really bad about. Bouquets are done now so focus is back but i have the wedding tonight. Must not eat, avoid the buffet!!
Woo that was a hard workout! I've being looking for local yoga class or DVD to do and while searching online I spotted a DVD for overweight people but it was an old DVD only available in USA. Then I spotted the biggest loser yoga for weight loss, so being a big fan of the biggest loser (I applied twice) I bought it. It's the American one with the gorgeous Bob Harper and I just tried it out. It was hard! Harder than I expected, I really got a work out from it. I thought I'd speak about it as I know with lipotrim we don't always have the energy/calories to do a high energy workout but this is simple movements that really work your muscles. Another benefit for me is that my neighbour below me probably wouldn't appreciate an elephant dancing around on their ceiling to a cardio DVD! :D if anyone is interested I got it on eBay for £9.99 but it is region 1 (usa) so you will need a region free DVD player.
How do people drink 4l of water in a day? I set myself a challenge today to see how much I could drink. I started work at 6.45am and sipped my water for 8hrs getting through 1litre. I came home and did yoga and have constantly been sipping until 9pm. I also make my shakes with 300mls to top up and still I only managed 2.5ltrs. Seriously how do people do it?
How do people drink 4l of water in a day? I set myself a challenge today to see how much I could drink. I started work at 6.45am and sipped my water for 8hrs getting through 1litre. I came home and did yoga and have constantly been sipping until 9pm. I also make my shakes with 300mls to top up and still I only managed 2.5ltrs. Seriously how do people do it?

I'm the opposite! I think I could drink too much sometimes! I carry the water bottles everywhere with me and then all of a sudden they are empty! I don't even notice I'm drinking them! X
How do people drink 4l of water in a day? I set myself a challenge today to see how much I could drink. I started work at 6.45am and sipped my water for 8hrs getting through 1litre. I came home and did yoga and have constantly been sipping until 9pm. I also make my shakes with 300mls to top up and still I only managed 2.5ltrs. Seriously how do people do it?

I had a major problem with the drinking water but i think i have it sorted lol........i have 1 500ml and 1 two litre everyday (i don't keep these in the fridge cos i find it easier to drink water at room temp) i have another bottle in the fridge for my shake water!....i drink a pint glass full from the 2 litre in the morning after my shake and leave the rest til i get home from work. I bring the 500ml bottle to work with me and have it in my hand most of the day, i refill it 3 times at work (i drink 2 before lunch and 2 after lunch), and when i get home in the evenings i drink the rest of the 2l bottle. I miss coffee tho, it isn't that i have stopped drinking it, i just don't have the time or the tummy space to drink as much coffee as i used to! x
Good luck tomorrow xx
So another 3lbs down this week meaning 24 so far! I'm really on a roll now, good thing I'm in the zone too as my sister begged me to drive her to KFC. I did it though, sitting next to her as she and my nephew gobbled their dinner. Go me!!

Arrrrr tell them to be more supportive!! Well done on the loss!!! That's fantastic! X
Today was my sisters birthday, I gathered the family and made home made pizzas, had popcorn, jelly babies, crisps and cheesecake for everyone. I'm so proud of myself as I had made the same pizza before and I know how amazing it was but I didn't stray from LT. I get a lot of enjoyment from making others happy so I didn't feel too tempted. Although milky tea and toast has been my craving today, it can bog right off!