I've now bought eggs so I'm going to make a savoury loaf later for meals tomorrow. Once I've made it I'll post a pic on here & maybe I'll have a little taste & let you know what it's like. I've never made sb cake before I've always used it as a ryvita substitute, 'citing times:p
Re: 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

I've got my coffee cake in the oven right now using douwe egberts caramel coffee. Hope it turns out ok, forgot to put sweetener in it so just plonked some on top before baking ha ha! Xx
Re: 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

Forgot to go get my scan bran today :brainfart: will start my week on them tomorrow. Any suggestions on what to do with them (I remember them being pretty rank last time I tried any :p) xx

I found it ok with yogurt and fruit this morning and got some soaked to stir through my chilli con carne xx
My savoury loaf, I've tried it & it's ok, not sparkling, but ok, maybe it will be better tomorrow cold with salad.

I used:-
5 Scan Bran (or Oat Bran)
2 large carrots finely grated or wizzed in a mini chopper (about 150gms)
3 eggs beaten
Additional vegetables total should be 150 - 200gms
I used, frozen corn, spinach & cauliflower
Seasoning - garlic, curry powder & chilli powder

1. Pour boiling water over the Scan Bran and leave for 1 minute so that it
softens, then drain and mash.
2. Blend the Scan Bran, carrot, & veggies, mixing very thoroughly.
Then add the beaten eggs and stir until completely mixed.
Transfer the mixture into a microwaveable dish – about
6½” or 16cm in diameter.
3. Microwave on high for about 10 minutes, or until it's cooked. The end product
should be reasonably moist. You may need to experiment with the cooking
time depending on the power of your microwave.

Hehe I definitely can't face it, tried today and it's def not for me! Will drink loads of water though and be fresh and ready for week 3 :D xx
Re: 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

Oo on, did I miss your recipe for this?

I got it of Facebook hun


I'm actually finding it a lot easier than I thought. Although it is only day 1 :D

Total water 2.8 litres and then 2 cups of coffee this morning to add to it. Think thats enough for today! Xx
Looks nice HH, what are you going to have with it? My cakes out the oven... I must get some silicone trays :( xx

Well it's going to have to do me for all my meals tomorrow as there is so much, so breakfast with garlic mushrooms, lunch with lettuce, spring onions & petit pois, tea with veggies & boiled pots, & just snack, don't know how I'm going to get through it all though!!!!!!!!

Slice of coffee SB cake with choc philli.

View attachment 89961

Defo very edible this way!!

Was perfectly fine in the chilli too xx

That looks so yummy, I'm tempted to make some now x
Slice of coffee SB cake with choc philli.

<img src=""/>

Defo very edible this way!!

Was perfectly fine in the chilli too xx

Now that looks yummy xxx

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I havent eaten scan bran bt will try some ryvita and water today instead x
Re: 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

Had 2 scan bran for part of breakfast with dairlea triangle and cold meat surprised i actually liked it...........i know im a freak!!

Its not actually that bad if you have it with the 'right' stuff is it? Xx
Last night I made ginger sb cake, and I'm going to enjoy it today. I'm having some for breakfast with a spot of ww yogurt on, it is surprisingly nice. What I'm not too keen on is the eggy look on the bottom of the cake, but you can't taste egg. Didn't think I would say this but I think I might have a go at other sb cakes & have them a low syn snacks:rolleyes:
Re: 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

Last night I made ginger sb cake, and I'm going to enjoy it today. I'm having some for breakfast with a spot of ww yogurt on, it is surprisingly nice. What I'm not too keen on is the eggy look on the bottom of the cake, but you can't taste egg. Didn't think I would say this but I think I might have a go at other sb cakes &amp; have them a low syn snacks:rolleyes:

What ginger did you use for it? I'm well up for trying more. Banana one is fab and I'll be getting some silicon muffin trays to make them in the future as I really like it xx
I just used ground ginger (I added 1tsp, but could have added a little more) & added 2 eggs, sweetner & lemon ww yogurt, then make in usual way, I just don't want to be making anything with syns in at the mo as I'm just o/s my target range & if I'm not back in target tomorrow that's it I'm back to paying!!! But joking apart I do like to leave my syns for wine & chocs:rolleyes:

I might have a go at the banana one as I do like banana cake made the usual way. Aren't silicon trays expensive?