Dietninja returns...3 months to slimdom

New daily weigh in thread...

Start weight: 13.7
Week 1: 12.12.6 (-8.5)
Week 2: 12.8.6 (-4)

Fri (official) - 12.8.6
Sat - 12.9.6

Not surprised at the gain because I ate yesterday and have food in my tum...onwards! Another low carb day today.
Are you on TS ??? Your losses are fab x
Are you on TS ??? Your losses are fab x

Thank you v much :) I tend to do TS mon-thurs as I'm at work and busy, then low cal and low carb on the weekends. Sort of working solution but without the rules! I'm trying to stick to below 60g carbs but blew that yesterday...
I'm quite active and hate the way too long on TS makes me feel...all lethargic and unmotivated. A few days of low carb seems to break that.

I also get a bit obsessed if the rules are too rigid! Eg if I say I'm doing packs and then an egg slips in, if I've built this rigid set of rules I think well sod the diet and binge.

I have to keep telling myself that I'm not under any time pressure so take it as it comes and as long as the trend is downwards...
Well, I feel amazing this morning! Obviously upping my calories did my lethargy the world of good :) I got up early, met a friend for a brisk 40 min walk (made me sweat, and given how cold it was this morning, I must have worked!), only managed to get half a shake down me before I had to get my girls to the dentist. As a consequence ive already met my 10,000 steps for the day :)

I'm now holed up in Costa, sans children, having a yummy soya latte and preparing to read the paper....bliss! I will low carb today and see how I feel tomorrow. Then normal service will be resumed on Monday :)
Thank you v much :) I tend to do TS mon-thurs as I'm at work and busy, then low cal and low carb on the weekends. Sort of working solution but without the rules! I'm trying to stick to below 60g carbs but blew that yesterday...
I'm quite active and hate the way too long on TS makes me feel...all lethargic and unmotivated. A few days of low carb seems to break that.

I also get a bit obsessed if the rules are too rigid! Eg if I say I'm doing packs and then an egg slips in, if I've built this rigid set of rules I think well sod the diet and binge.

I have to keep telling myself that I'm not under any time pressure so take it as it comes and as long as the trend is downwards...
I like your plan a lot x
Sounds good diet ninja, if that's the way you won't over eat and it's working then carry on cause I find to much pressure and I blow it like yesterday. It's good to have a little give but not let go completely. And in the future in maintaining this is what we need to do!!

Need to loose 6st to be healthy weight. Starting 05.01.15
Week 1 - 11lb
Week 2 -
Week 3 -
Week 4 -
Sounds good diet ninja, if that's the way you won't over eat and it's working then carry on cause I find to much pressure and I blow it like yesterday. It's good to have a little give but not let go completely. And in the future in maintaining this is what we need to do!! Need to loose 6st to be healthy weight. Starting 05.01.15 Week 1 - 11lb Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 -

So true, and I know I've never managed to successfully maintain so I'm going to have to be on it!
I've managed to complete the second bob harper workout...core. That man has a real thing about nearly killed me!

Sorry if this is tmi...but I'm having a real issue with "leakage" now I'm drinking this much water. My pelvic floor isn't the strongest since kids, and now if I sneeze or exercise, I leak a little...blurgh. Has anyone else had this problem? It's why I've been so keen to get back on the exercise...
Me :-(

I had 6 months of physio on my pelvic floor and a specific tens machine to strengthen them and she told me at the end I need an operation on that and my bladder (after carrying twins).
I just can't consume that amount of water. It makes the issue 10 times worse.

I want to lose some weight because I know that's the first thing they'll say if I get assessed for the operation.

Are you going to do something about yours?
Me :-( I had 6 months of physio on my pelvic floor and a specific tens machine to strengthen them and she told me at the end I need an operation on that and my bladder (after carrying twins). I just can't consume that amount of water. It makes the issue 10 times worse. I want to lose some weight because I know that's the first thing they'll say if I get assessed for the operation. Are you going to do something about yours?

I'm going to try exercise to start with, focussing on my core and pelvic floor. Losing weight and then coming off the vlcd (and therefore drinking a more reasonable amount of water) as a start. If it's not better after that strategy I'll go and see the doc. It's not overwhelming at the moment but it's particularly bad in the afternoon / evening and means extra washing!
No problem. I think it's more common than we realise. Unfortunately within my group of friends there's someone else in the same situation with the pelvic floor.
I'm in the same situation! I bought a battery-operated exercise thingy which I hardly ever use. However when I did my kegel exercises faithfully each day I saw a real improvement. Took a few months but it was worth it. Then - typically - I got lazy again. Must do better x
Sat 17th Jan

Ex: 17400 steps, core DVD 20 mins
Water: 3 litres

A snacky day today...

B - 1/2 Banana shake
S - soya latte
L - bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms
S - smoked salmon
T - chicken breast & carbonara pack
S - Choco balls

Carbs 59g

Just under my 60g carb goal :)
I'm drooling! :D lol. Glad you had a great, low carb day :)
I think I'm going to have a day back on packs tomorrow. 2 days off was lovely but I'm feeling v full!!! I'm not planning on exercising tomorrow so should be easier!

Depends on how my girls are feeling as they're both poorly now...fighting off colds, temperatures, headaches etc. if it's too stressful I'll eat and go back to packs on mon.
The exercise really feels good, although my legs are soooo achey, wayyyy to many squats!

If you account for fitbit adjustment (walking & exercise) my net cals this week have been:

Total solution:

Mon 650-620 = 30
Tues 660-530 = 130
Wed 650-720 = -70
Thurs 670-450 = 220

Low carb

Fri 1250-350 = 900
Sat 1300-930 = 370

So even though I felt lethargic during the week
My general activity didn't drop much...weird, I felt like it did!
Hope your girls feel better soon.