Earl Grey Tea..

hehe that made me laugh! I reckon that could come under behavioral reasons!. lol. Well done ladys, sounds like you are doing really well and being super strong! Im starting my diet tomoro and just trying to get my head in the right place! Am rather terrified about it all but excited at the same time.. Im a grumpy sod when im hungry so im gonna have to try to keep that under wraps! :p i havent let myself buy any scales yet either so il see how long i last!. x

Ah I felt EXACTLY the same as you before I started. The more time I had to think about doing it the more scared I got. I was scared of failing and disappointing people, scared cos I too am a grumpy biatch when I am hungry but also excited at being drop dead gorgeous slim... we can do it. Good luck with the start tomorrow!!!!!! :D

Thanks Kate - I need to go get some cinnamon! Although its a little too early for me to venture into a supermarket.... maybe in a few more days!

Indigo Mondays - my scales have helped me through today.... as I know the pain of yesterday was worth it! Good luck for tomorrow babe!!! I am right behind you!!

Tara - I am going to try my shake tonight with ice!!! Put it all in the blender and crush it up!!

should be yummer!! ice rocks... hahaha get it.. oh that was terrible I know x
Thanks! Did either of you have like your 'last meal' before you started?.. I cant decide whether to get some luxuries before i start to indulge for the last time... Something tells me this is wrong but then maybe i wont feel like im missing out and will be better tomoro.... x
I didn't have a last meal as such. I tried to eat well but it went right out the window!!! lol
I always think the same as you.... well i'm gonna be without it for the next 9 months so sod it! X
ice rocks - lol!! it made me smile!!

Just one last meal - I had nearly a week of meals planned!!! ha ha! I didn't get everything down the hatch though - I ran out of days! lol. I missed out on one last Mc Donalds - oh well!!

It was quite strange really, as once I had decided to start this diet I didn't seem as hungry as usual - I guess I was trying to prepare my mind!!

I had a double decker though last thing Wednesday!! Yum.

Please eat some nice things for me too! xx
cappuccino shake and crushed ice (and water) yum yum yum!! I will be trying this again!!

I'm also glad I have found a use for my smoothie maker! ha ha - just need to get some straws!!

I may try the Cappuccino shake with ice etc. x
I can imagine it will be good when the sun is shining!!! Not quite as good as a white wine - but hey, I need to 'keep my eyes on the prize' lol
Yea, I know what you mean, altho White wine doesnt like me really, I'm drunk by my 3rd glass! Hahaha, I started a group on Facebook about it! I blame my white wine caused antics on my best friend! Hahaha!
ha ha - that is funny!! Have you some funny stories to share??

When I go out with a certain friend just on our own (we are usually out in a big crowd) I have ended up in A&E twice - now I won't go out with her on my own!! lol.
Hahaha!!! Nothing too serious I hope... Not really funny stories. I just get very drunk. If I'm not with my best friend and I drink wine I get really 'Emo' drunk, I start chatting absolute tripe! When I went out when I was younger I remember one night snogging a few 'flower guys' hahaha you know the types, smarmy greasy looking blokes selling flowers!! Hahaha x
ha ha - now that is funny! I love the fact you have snogged the guys who sell flowers!! In fact this has really made me giggle!

I can talk for England most times!! I love having drunken chats, as they seem like you are discussing a most important thing, but laugh at yourself the next morning!

Well the first trip was becasue I was demastrating my skills on a skateboard!! I am 33 and have not been on one since I was 15!! The 'boy' I borrowed the board off didn't know what hit him... needless to say I fell backwards hit my head, got back on the board to prove I could do it - and yes, you have guessed it, fell and hit my head again!! I had a blood blister thing in my eye!! Nothing bad, but very funny!

The second story is just as funny!
OMG... hahaha, thats bad! Did you give him his skateboard back?

I don't think I've done anything that wild... Hahaha

When I went to mexico a year and a half ago we loved this one night club, Coco Bongo, they do shows there every night and have impersonators and do a big show, me and my friend were on this stage about 15 feet in the air dancing behind 'shania twain' and 'Axel Rose' Hahaha! That was fun! But thats about it! (thats all I can remember anyway)

Your defo more rock and roll than me!

ha ha - that is funny too!! I hope someone has a piccy of it, so you can giggle at it for years to come!!

Do you ever do that warm up thing in training at work -'tell us something about yourself that no-one else knows' I think your 'dancing' story is very suitable for that! lol.
And that is rock and roll! lol.

Yeah, of course I gave his skate board back, and a story for him to tell his mates! lol.

The worst one was this year - and I don't think I had even drunk that much!! I think my tolerance is lower than is used to be! We went out for a 'quiet' New Year - but ended up in town having a right giggle!! I managed to fall down about 4 stairs and break my elbow!! I was gutted as I really wasn't drunk!! lol. I told work I did it New Years Day!! ha ha! So I told Jess that that is the last time we go out on our own!! ha ha!

I think you need to be under supervision at all times you two, with compulsory elbow and knee pads! Hee hee

Oh I have lots of drunken piccys! Loads! I have one pole dancing at my ex work on my last day. I'd only had a couple of Schloers too!

Yes - you are quite right! Hence why I have not been out with her on my own since NYE!! lol!

I bet you are glad you didn't have to go back to work there after the 'live pole performance' ha ha!!

Oh I love being silly sometimes!! I bet when I come off this diet I will be a proper 'light weight shandy pants'.

I bet when I come off this diet I will be a proper 'light weight shandy pants'.


Hahahaha that made me laugh sooooooo much :8855:

your welcome!!

We should start a group 'the light weight shandy pants ladies'