Lorna's Diary - I can do this!

Thanks Vegan, I didn't go off plan and I did enjoy my curly wurly. I think night time seems to be when I want to eat, during they day is easy peasy. I think I did this week a bit half because I was depressed trying so hard and losing just 1lb... BUT I am making an effort that this time will not be like the other times that no matter how I feel or what happens I will always keep to plan, return to plan. This is a LONGTERM effort and I need to take it little steps at a time all the while remember that this will CHANGE my life.

So I'm up again and positive again - I know the scales will be dissapointing again this week, but I've only myself to blame. Next week I am really gonna make a push for it and a few of the days I'll do scan bran which will hopefully give me the push I need. I will also do 2-3 red days and I'll have a day of fish. Come tomorrow I will know exactly what I want to do and I will come here and plan a few days in advance and see if that helps me a bit.

I do feel I eat ALOT of mashed potato, probably around 4-5 times a week and I have ALOT of it - around 6-7 potatos to myself, where as if I make wedges I maybe only use two potatos. So I think I'm also going to cut back on that and maybe only have my amazing mash 1-2 times a week.

haha I'm totally trying to work everything out, but I find that thinking like this helps.

Minigoals for next week - starts 4th of May
  • Only have mashed potato 1 or 2 times, swap out for wedges/rice/salads/noodles
  • Have 1 fish day - I have Mackrel and Mussels will probably make a paella or risotto with these
  • Have 2-3 red days - Steak and a Salad (haha that is all I can think of atm - any ideas towards red days would be awesome)
  • Do scran bran challenge
  • Continue drinking oodles of water
It's weigh in tonight, I don't think it will go that well but it's cool I've had a good week. I'm really gonna aim for a.good weight loss over the next 2 weeks, it's my OH's sisters 21st on the 18th and I'm sure losing some more pounds will make me feel good.

I have a slight cold again, lucky me huh? Not really that hungry today but I'm going to go and heat u some of that delicious soup I made last night, yum :)
Well 1/2 off another small loss, but a loss none the less yeeehaaa!
Exactly - well done on the loss, however little it is it's still in the right direction! :)
Yep I actually went 'yeeessssss' when it said half off because I know that while my food has been 100% I think I must of had around 130 syns, I also did alot of walking up hills and stairs - I'm going to have more of a handle this week from snacking casue I've stopped smoking. So it will be back to big loses this week I hope. Got my scan bran in for a few days of that, made soup for the week, got mountains of fruit and veg, will keep doing stairs and hills and will cut back my portions.

Bring it on!!

Breakfast: Banana
Lunch: Homemade soup, 2 oranges and a muller light
Drinks at work: 1 litre diluting juice
Dinner: not too sure - will come back and update later

Ps I have the cold again - wtf?
Sneeze, cough blah. Sitting outside my work as the office is locked, I totally hope noone turns up and I can go home lol

Does anyone have any good ideas for scan bran?
Well it's 12pm and I've stuck to plan, which isn't really surprising but I did park my car further away than normal and I've been walking faster to put money in the meter, some may say it was a casual jog lol I'm actually pretty ravenous, i find if I do have breakfast I am EXTRA hungry at lunch but this is good because I am so hungry I have been more prepared for it and I enjoy my lunch alot more. Rather than eating hardly anything and then it getting to 4-5pm and all I wanna do is eat nonstop til it's time for bed!!

I am feeling better about stopping smoking in general, I feel like I'm more in control today which is fab!
Hey, Thanks! I have the handle it's sticking to it that's the hard part lol

Well I ended up having SW chicken and mushroom curry with boiled rice. I had a melon bowl filled with strawberries and grapes - it was delicious. Feeling pretty rough this morning with this cold but gonna try and get back to sleep for a bit, woke up at 7.15 thought I was gonna throw up but I didn't, yay!
Still on here not sleeping - naughty me! Definitely going now lol
Hi! Just popped by to say well done on your positive attitude!! Which I am seeing alot of on many posts and it really picks yourself up to do well and carry on too! :) YAY! I will be doing my own diary when my first rather long post gets approved as I feel it will spur me on further and i'll be doing some 4 weekly meal plans so I have things organised and will be less likely to Munch out! lol x Good luck on your journey hun! x We can do it! :talk017:
Thanks for stopping by, yep there is no point depressing myself I'm just totally taking it in my stride this time.. My thinking is aslong as I weigh less at the end of each month then I'm happy. 4 week plans, wow that's amazing you're super organised - I can only just manage to plan a day or two in advance. I'll make sure to follow your diary, goodluck with your weight loss :D

Well I did eventually fall asleep, I fell asleep at 2pm until 5.30pm and I feel alot better, had chicken stuffed with quark mixed with nandos salt topped with a little grated cheese with savoury rice and baby corn. I had a small portion so I'm going to have some melon, strawberries, mango and a muller light.

I'm settled down for the night with some murder she wrote and a book for later - definately going to take it very easy tonight.
Well I say 4 weekly plan but I will just be doing some differently weekly plans for variety so I can change the foods when I get bored lol.. I am hoping this will help me as you know how it is when you grab something quick and easy like toast, then ruin it for any later plans of your HEX'Bs so if you want any high fi bars or a slice of bread with your soup you have to syn it lol.. So i have definitely decided that if I plan I will be more likely to stick at what it says and get bits in I need to :) Your dinner sounded lovely!!! I had quorn spag bol today and apart from the sauce which was low syn and a pinch of cheese it was all free!.. I made sure I included my super free food with carrots, mushrooms and onions and added some garlic and plum tomms! I really enjoyed it and had a fair sized portion but my problem is I am sitting here thinking about food again! lol..:rolleyes: I didn't eat until 7pm tonight and also had a muller light for dessert so I wasn't depriving myself at all! I'm a bit sceptical about eating late at night though...Its always been a big no no and yet my consultant said you can if its free/superfree ? food?? :help2:

Right I best start getting ready for bed soon, This forums so addictive!!! :p
I am an after dinner craver no matter how late I eat, I always just make sure to have loads of fruit/yogurts in and will have a try and them first. If I'm still not satisfied I will have some low syn goodies, like a mini milk(1.5), velvet crunch crisps(4), 13g Ringos (3.5), choc options (2), club biscuits (5.5). I also will always leave my HEB til after dinner, if I have my HEA left I will have ryvita or scan bran with cheesy triangles or if no A choice left I'll have cereal bars the chocolatey the better I like fibre plus bars, double choc alpen lights and hi-fi bars. I have all this in as I know once it gets to around 8pm I start craving.

Try the having the free things first then if you have syns left then use them SW works the same if you use syns or not. I don't always use them and other days I use all 15 - I don't use them just for the sake of it, only when I want them and I love having the option there, helps me to not binge.

I've done slimming world a few times and it's really amazing I've lost a few stone each time easily and still been able to enjoy my food. I only ever stop going cause I'm stupid lol

I have never noticed a difference ro eating late at night - I know some people say it's a big no no but I really haven't noticed. I just try not to eat an hour or two before bed so that it's settled before I go to sleep.

Everyone does it differently and it's really just what's right for you.

Your dinner sounds lovely, mine was very simple as I'm loaded with the cold, however it was actually very nice and I would definately have it again :)

Sleep well - I'm off to bed too. My.cousin text me and we're off hillwalking tomorrow so I definately need all the rest I can get! :)
Have fun !!!! Sounds tiring!! But all good for exercise :) Which I really need to do more of tomorrow as today has been a real plodder of a day as the kids had a lazy day and I joined in! Tomorrow will be going for a long walk with the dog and the kids, hoping the weather holds out too! No more rain :raincloud: me no likey! lol ..
Right I'll be off now too..I'm going to have another glass of water and see if that helps curb things or I might have to find a glacier mint somewhere to keep my mouth occupied before bed as I don't want my mind to force me to open that fridge and grab something naughty! But I will admit I have quite good will power as you should see what my house is teaming with!! The kids treats are just so tempting!!!... But I'm being a good girl :angel09:haha...
Night night and look forward to reading more of your diary x
I'm definitely a night time craver too. I always try to save as many syns as I can for after tea, and as I've found I tend to lose more when I use all of my syns, I don't feel bad having a little treat before bed :)
I love my syns, it's good to use them when you want them that is totally what they are there for. If you couldn't lose weight when you have them SW wouldn't have them as part of their plan.

I know I have lots of high syn treats for my daughter they are tempting but I just make sure to have my own ones in too hehe!

Well had a long lie for once, hello 9am! Still have the cold though which is crap - was hoping I was gonna wake up and be back to normal, no such luck. After being kind of naughty last week with the smoking, I actually feel really great that I've had two amazing days on plan and the rest of the week will be the same as I'm lagging a little behind my goal of 2lbs a week/14lbs by the 2nd of june for my reaaaallly long walk. I would like to lose 3lbs which will not only give me my half stone award but also put me on track - I don't think that should be too hard as I'm still at the start of my journey with loads left to lose.

Sooo, what will today be? What to have? Hmmm... I've had two extra easy days and I wanted to do a few red days so I think I will do that today - I definitely want to achieve my Mini goals for this week.

Breakfast: Melon, Strawberries, Orange and a muller light.
Lunch: Salad - Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pickled onion, apple, grape, cheese (HEA 1) boiled egg and chicken with of one of the frylight salad dressings. (I'll make this quite large as my cousin and I are not walking the hill til 4pm so I won't be in until around 7ish and I don't wanna get up the top and wish I had my dinner)
Snack on top of the mountain: Melon, grapes and a cereal bar (HEB 1)
Dinner: Not sure either another salad for quickness or gammon, pineapple and vegetables.
Snack: Choc Options (2) with 250ml semi skimmed milk (HEA 2), Cereal bar (HEB 2), salt and vinegar ringos (3.5)

Syns: 5.5 - I may have more but for now that is all I plan and I'm really looking forward to it.
I've no gammon, boo! So just gonn have the same as last night - chicken filled with quark topped with HEA of cheese with carrots, brocolli and mushrooms. I'm sure it will be just as lovely.

Kitchen is cleaned and dishes are done, just waiting on OH getting in which should be any minute now and then it's time for lunch! :)