My Dukan Journey

Don't worry about it, try not to eat it but if you must its not the end of the world, just hold the dressing. But 5 days attack is that what was recommended by the good Dr. ?
I'm posting here what I've just posted in the 1st of January thread as it's the continuation of my journey .....

Today is my third first day ... Lol!! Started Friday - got though to the evening then caved. Again yesterday - went to a 'do' last night intending to have steak or salmon - I did have salmon ... But I won't tell you what I had with it OR what I went on to have when I got home. :/ ... But at least now pretty much everything 'nawty' is gone. Today? So far so good ....... And I'm feeling stronger so here goes. .... By the way - I gained about 12lbs over Christmas ..... Isn't that ridiculous?!?!?!?!?!!!!! x

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I know my gain was a stone xxx
It's soul destroying how easy it is to put on but how long it takes to get it off again! And it gets longer and longer the older you get :(. It doesn't change the behaviour though unfortunately. I'm glad I'm not the only one though (sorry ;) ) x
Don't worry about it, try not to eat it but if you must its not the end of the world, just hold the dressing. But 5 days attack is that what was recommended by the good Dr. ?

Thanks for your advice.

It was not recomended by the Good Dr no. But I have an underactive thyroid and don't usually eat pasta or potatoes due to IBS so I upped it to give myself a proper kick start.

SO!! 2 false starts + 1 good day = 3.4lbs lost :) ... Not too shabby a start. Enough to give me a bit of incentive anyway :D x
Fabulous loss xxx
As long as you have a downward trend, dont beat yourself up about it. Get back on track and drink loads of water. x
Never let a blip get in the way, drink plenty of water and carry on its only a problem when it happens day after day, that what got us hear in the first place xxx
It IS happening every day though :( (see thread Lost/missing) .. Just got up after a night shift/day in bed, so hopeful of being 100% till I go back to bed later! It might not be a full day but its a start (hopefully) x
You need a plan and stick it on your fridge so you know what your going to eat, it takes the thinking and deciding what to eat out if the equation. You read your plan and eat what it tells you x
Thanks for that :) I may not have an actual list but I know exactly what I'm having for each meal and everything is prepared .. Eggs boiled etc etc... Just one of the hundreds of tricks I've employed over 40 yrs of yoyo- ing. If there's one thing I've learned its that you can try every trick and every diet in the book and they all work IF your head is in the right place. The real trick is getting into or BACK into that headspace. If someone could bottle that they'd make a fortune. xx
Well it's taken 3 weeks of struggling but I finally can report a small loss. Just a teensy weensy 0.4lb but it's a bit of an incentive.
This takes me to 11st4.8lbs - still 7.8lbs over what I got down to before Christmas and 14.8 from target.
Fingers crossed I'm properly back on track now! Only 5.5wks to a week away in Cyprus x
Another 0.4 off this week. Lousy losses but better than more gains!

Hope everyone else is doing ok x

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Hello there! I applaud a loss, any loss, and you have had one... and, if your signature is up to date, your BMI is very nearly normal! So that's excellent.

It's true that those of us who've dieted for a living(!), yoyoing constantly, and restarting this diet aren't finding the losses as good this time. I'm right with you there! But I'm trying to tell myself that it could be worse and at least I've stopped eating my body weight in carbs on a daily basis!

Hang in there
Thanks so much for the kind words ... WOW! Haven't you done well! To be honest I'm really struggling, haven't managed a run of more than about 3 100% days for ages :-( x
I think even a STS (stay the same) is a cause for celebration :) I like to look at it as "well this is what the end game looks like, we want to maintain our weight eventually, why not practice a little now:)) that's been keeping me on track this month on the days when the scale sticks or fluctuates back up :)

hope you're having a good day x