Total Solution My Exante journey..

Glad you are feeling better about the loss :)

Enjoy your night out :D
I was naughty last night and had a glass of red wine.. but I did nurse the same glass of wine from 8pm to 10.30pm, so not feeling too bad about it. And it was a really nice night out - every so often one of the mums from nursery organises drinks and they are a lovely bunch. It's nice to catch up in the evening for a change, without little ones interrupting and tugging us in all different directions!

Got home to find my husband had ordered himself a pizza, but luckily had thrown the leftovers in the bin rather than putting them in the fridge as he usually does. I was feeling really hungry, so very grateful - I think if it had been in the fridge I would have been tempted!

It's amazing, he can eat almost an entire large pizza and not gain a pound. I keep warning him that it will catch up with him someday but it never seems to! Some people just have great metabolisms I suppose.

Had a banana shake for the first time this morning. So synthetic tasting but yet so yummy... a bit like those banana foamy sweets you can get. And going to try the choc mint cookie for the first time at lunchtime. Let's hope it's as good as the choc mint shake!

Have a lovely day everyone x
Glad you enjoyed your evening

.....and I don't suppose one glass of wine will have had much of an impact :)
One glass of wine shouldn't do much damage.

I love the banana shake and agree, it is really synthetic tasting but weirdly very bananaish at the same time. My brain tries to tell me I shouldn't like it but I do o_O
Morning everyone, I hope you had good weekends.

I will still feeling unwell over the weekend and managed to pick up a bit of a tummy bug too (probably because my immune system was so busy trying to fight the cold from last week), so my husband convinced me that I needed to eat proper food for the weekend to try and fend off these infections. He was right, because I feel properly better today for the first time in over a week, but I just hope I haven't done too much damage on the weight loss. My weekend included lots of fruit and vegetables, so while not massively full of calories, I'm a bit worried about the impact that the sugar content of the fruit might have done.

Have picked out exante products I really like for the next few days so that it's a bit easier to get back on plan, and going to try one of the much-loved chicken curries tonight for the first time - let's hope I love them too!
It's really hard to stick to the diet when you are under the weather. Touch wood I've not picked up bugs or infections since I've been on the diet. It sounds like you had a weekend of sensible eating so I'm sure you haven't done too much damage, if any.

Good luck with getting back on plan :)
OK so got back on plan 100% yesterday and didn't struggle with it. Tried the long awaited curry last night. I like it... but not as much as the noodles. It was crying out for a soft boiled egg to be added!!!

Not sure how I'm feeling about weigh in tomorrow. I'd like to think I'll be calm about it as I know I went off plan at the weekend, but I know I made the choice to eat like I did and so have to face the consequences. I think this is why my diary is helping me... on past diets, I would avoid weighing in when I knew I had cheated, but the accountability of writing here every day means that I have to face it. I suppose there's no point worrying about it now - I have another day to get through and if I remain 100% TS then hopefully I will undo some of the damage I have done!
Well done on getting back to 100% TS yesterday.

I'm sure the weigh in won't be as bad as you think. Anyway don't be hard on yourself, you've been battling the germs :)
4 pounds lost! Happy with that given I was off plan over the weekend :)

And good personal training session this morning with lots of cardio. Trainer thinks that I would have burnt 600 calories in our session today, which effectively uses up everything I eat today!

Now to start a very busy day at work...
Woo hoo :)

Brilliant, well done on your loss :D
Another day plodding on with the diet! All going well food-wise but must remember to drink more water. I usually forget to drink enough, start chucking back pints of the stuff at around 8pm and then have to get up numerous times each night to go to the loo...

Might try the gooey caramel pudding for dinner tonight - anyone had one of these yet?
Another day plodding on with the diet! All going well food-wise but must remember to drink more water. I usually forget to drink enough, start chucking back pints of the stuff at around 8pm and then have to get up numerous times each night to go to the loo...

Might try the gooey caramel pudding for dinner tonight - anyone had one of these yet?

The pudding is lovely :)

Well done on the fantastic loss :D
Personally, I don't like the puddings - mainly because I couldn't get them to be gooey :(
I opted for the noodles instead. I was making 'real' chicken noodles for the husband and au pair and was so tempted to eat them, so thought it was best to make the exante version of those. To be honest, the exante noodles are probably nicer than the ones I make :)

Saying that, I've started cooking really healthy meals for the rest of my family. I've always made things from scratch rather than using processed foods, but my portion control is terrible and I will tend to add lots of different things (oil, butter, honey, cream, cheese etc) that ramp up the calories. By paring back my home cooking, I'm preparing myself for when I come off this diet (and preparing my husband too!). Still, cooking for everyone each night does feel like a little bit of torture, but I get a smug satisfaction from watching everyone else enjoy the food.

Revisited the coconut shake this morning - not as bad as I remember...
Nooo - coconut shake is still a no no for me.

Good to be getting into more healthy cooking ready for the day you come off the vlcd :)
Hi Womble.

I've just had a read of your diary. Sounds like you're doing well so far. I'm on day 6 and feeling good. I'm taking myself out of any social situations until 9th April as unlike you I'd make unwise food choices - so well done. Have a great week!
Hi womble, just catching up on the diary. well done on your weight loss this week.
Hi Womble,
Hope you had a good weekend :)