Total Solution My Exante journey..

Hi, good morning everyone! Didn't get around to posting yesterday morning as was one of those days at work...

Weekend was a bit of a disaster again - not sure what it is with me and weekends! I started off with such good intentions, but then my son wanted to bake cupcakes. My son has issues with food (he has sensory processing disorder which means he can't tolerate certain textures, tastes and smells AND he has just been diagnosed with Selective Eating Disorder, which is basically extreme fussiness with food which is so bad it results in medical intervention). So it's hard to say no to him when he wants to do something food related - even if he refuses to eat the cupcakes, the process of making them is very therapeutic for him. So, we made cupcakes. And after I delivered most of the cakes to neighbours, there were still some left over and I ate one. Then I ate one more. ARRRGGGGHHH. So annoyed with myself.

Anyway, got back on the Exante-wagon yesterday and will stick to it all of this week. The only issue is that we are at the in-laws for Easter, so it's going to be hard to take the packs with me. Instead, I think I will just have to be very sensible with what I am eating.

On the good news front, I've been in the gym lots and pounding that treadmill. Hopefully that would have burned some of the excess calories from the weekend!

Hope everyone else is doing ok x
Oh and just booked 10 days in Dubai in November, so have a nice holiday to look forward to!! We're going to stay with friends for a week and then spend 4 nights at the Atlantis. Think my son will absolutely love it and gives me a date to work towards on the weight loss - I want to be able to wear a swimsuit in the waterpark there without feeling physically sick at the idea of being so uncovered!
I'm sure a couple of cup cakes won't have done too much damage, especially as you have been working hard at the gym.

The holiday in Dubai is a fantastic goal :D
So... 3 pounds down for the week! Very pleased with that given I veered off course at the weekend. Does make me wonder what I could achieve if I stuck to the plan rigidly for the week though. I'll be honest, it's not going to be this week as we're off to stay with the outlaws for the weekend. Have decided I'm going to take bars and eat one in private each day for breakfast (not sure I can face explaining this diet to them), skip lunch (although might take some extra bars in case I'm famished) and then have a meal of protein and vegetables in the evenings. I don't think that would be too bad diet-wise.

Also - I ordered a bike yesterday! Can't wait for it to arrive! I'm really bad at walking to work in the mornings and always jump on a bus so I'm hoping to cycle instead. Must admit that the idea of cycling in London terrifies me, but there is a cycle path through the park that goes pretty much from my house to my office so I'll just use that.
3lbs is a great loss, well done :)

I think two Exante bars and a meal of protein and veggies should be find diet-wise over the weekend.

You are a braver soul than me. I would love to ride my bike regularly, but I am too scared to ride in London :eek:

My bike lives at my Dad's house out in the countryside. I used to go for regular rides at the weekend, but haven't been out on it in ages :oops:
But look at how pretty it is!!!

The lycra-clad man in the bike shop was desperately trying to get me to buy something more lightweight and 'sporty', but I fell a little bit in love with this beauty.

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And of course I got one of those lovely wicker baskets to go on the front!!!
That looks suspiciously like a Pendleton Somerby :oops: maybe I know too much about bikes :D

It looks lovely - enjoy it :)

I confess to owning a Pendleton Brooke hybrid that I love, but don't get out on often enough :( I am just not brave enough to venture out on London streets so keep my cycling to when I am back home at my Dad's
Well done on the loss :D

I've just booked a trip to Dubai for next January :)
I've just booked a trip to Dubai for next January :)

woo hoo Darcy!! Very exciting! January is a lovely time to go too. My best friend and god daughter live over there and before I had my son we used to go quite a few times each year. It's now been 4 years since I went, so very excited about visiting again. And at the rate you are losing weight on this diet, you will be rocking your swimwear on the beach no doubt :stickdance:

Had a good Exante day yesterday. Went to the gym for a run after work and then got home to find my bike had arrived!!! But it needed a bit of self-assembly. Seriously, putting it together was like another work out in itself! But managed to get all the pieces together and did my first bike ride to the office this morning - MUCH easier on the new bike than the rusty old thing that was sitting in my garden before. Only one minor mishap when I realised by bike is incredibly wide and another bike was heading down the cycle path towards me... decided to brake sharply to move out his way and kind of fell sideways a bit. oops.

So today is my last full Total Solution day before the Easter weekend. Must remember to pack lots of bars to take with me!
Lots of exercise for you now, cycling to work and going to the gym :)
Oh wow I love Dubai, where are you staying?
I went while I was pregnant and some of the smells made me ill but the place is amazing. Better value than I thought. I really want to go back.
We stayed on the Marina.

and husband got me one for Christmas. I can lift it with one hand. He just wanted a cycling partner but he does 60miles at once. Lincolnshire is flat so its easier but I only managed 30miles when I went cycling with him.
Morning all, hope you all had a lovely Easter!

My weekend at the in laws wasn't as disastrous as I thought it might be. I managed to sneak a bar in my room for breakfast and lunch each day, and a salad and protein in the evenings. Was feeling absolutely FAMISHED most days though, and TOTM arrived this morning which probably explains that. Feels a relief to be back on Exante properly today though - I think I've grown to love the comfort of my 3 packs a day!

Weather is horrific in london today though, so my bike has been left at home and I got the bus to work this morning (I know, very sad working on a bank holiday, but I just have too much to be getting on with this week). Will probably try and get to the gym later though.

Oh wow I love Dubai, where are you staying?

We are staying at the Atlantis. Not my usual style (prefer something a bit more boutique) but my son will be 4 when we travel and I think he will love this place. AND the kids club is inclusive from 10am to 6pm each day, so daddy and I can get some time to relax! We are staying near the Marina for 4 days first in our friends' villa.
Is that the one on the island called 'the palms' or something like that. We had a meal in a restaurant in the Atlantis I'm sure.

I'd love to go again, so you need to let me know how it is for the kids. I've gone a 18month old that can't sit still and think the flight would be horrific.
Sarah they might surprise you! My 16 month old was a star all the way to OZ and normally was a nightmare!
I hear it is great for kids out there - most of my friends out there now have kids. They all thought they would be straight back to the UK but they are all loving it as it's apparently just so easy. The flight doesn't bother me so much as we are using air miles to upgrade, but like MrsN says, our son has surprised us on flights so far. He usually falls fast asleep :) For that reason, we've actually been brave and booked the night flight on our way out!

I am soo hungry today. Been sat in the office since 8am and tempted to have my lunch bar early. But desperately trying to hold out otherwise it's going to be such a long day...