Nutters corner....ScanBran cake addicts society

Keith cake is so good I've eaten half already!!

So much moister than other sb cakes it goes down better :)
I've experimented with mine this morning... I've used some Total 0% as I'm out of Greek mullerlight lemon, it made the raw mixture extremely runny.... Hope it works.. It's in here now....

Ooh that sounds nice...

I'm now eating the other half! It's so good!
Maybe I should make another???
NOOOOOO!! Don't do it lol... Unless you're planning on wearing brown trousers and bicycle clips this afternoon!!!! Xx
PMSL x100!!!

I must admit I'm struggling to eat the 2nd half, its doing its job of filling me up!

Just need the cider to wash it down with.... 3 hours to go!!
That's exactly how I ate mine!!

Bloody amazing! I'm now promptly full! X
Lol I ate the lot, each time with berries and yogurt, no wonder I'm so full!

In fact I'm on my 3rd coffee and my tummy is starting to hurt... It's good though as the poo fairy has been noticeably absent since Wednesday lol! X
cake baked, and sampled, and success! 1st time I have made one with a yoghurt in, and I think it makes for a much nicer cake

1 butterscotch options, 1 toffee yoghurt, 2 eggs, 5 scan bran, little water, 2 tablespoons sweetner but probably would be ok with 1. I munched a few teaspoons of the yog first as I read a whole one can be too much.

WP_20130629_004.jpg 7 syns, so I'll probably use it in 1syn siced slices. (had 1 already :eek:)
Wow the butterscotch one looks yummy! *adds to list*
Im wondering what flavour to make now for something different lol I bought some Vanilla Sugar yesterday I cant find it on SW online so im just going to syn it like sugar which is 1 per teaspoon. I could make the cake and then sprinkle the sugar over the top when cooked. Its the stuff they put in Candy Floss mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
That sounds good to me..... I'm getting me done scan bran next week and making cake..... Happy days!!

OOOOOHHHH make sure you come back with a cuppa & share lol x

Up early, couldn't sleep so may as well make a cake lol

Lol... That's what I'm thinking too... What flavour are you going to make? X

PMSLLLL at least its not only me that gets up early and the 1st thought is oooh lets bake a cake x
Morning ya set of loons :p

had a good chuckle over my morning coffee reading that lot^^^^^^^^^ :D

I woke up at 3am....and had the last of my Brian for a 'very' early brekkie....:eek: think we have a problem going on here pmsl?

Cake today I'm thinking i will try the milk choc beau flavour & see if a choc SB cake can be made with no extra synnage??? a mullet vanilla will go in the mix.

I'm currently eating a cake in a day (in the interests of science lol) BOY the poo fairy was prompt this morning for a change ;)

If any of you are shopping today why not try see if you have a cake supplies shop anywhere near (they seem really popular with the massive increase in the cup cake thing that everyone is getting into) I'm sure you would get these flavourings as from what I can see they are 'the' main ones for the avid baker. xx
Morning Dizzy - well Morrisons certainly didnt have any exciting ones lol. So im just wondering what to make ho hum maybe another mint one cos I really enjoyed that