P's Perseverance!

Morning my crazy gal, nice to see your peckers up (oooer!!!) lol you always make me smile Pollyanna pitstop :) keep up the good work and if your posts become garbage that we can't read then we know you have morphed into a chicken and can't type (or been in the wine again!) haha

Have a good one xxx
A bit tasty!!! ......a bit tasty!!! lol come on then Pauline with a way with words like that what was Mr.Ps chat up line hehehehe xxx
Maybe he was actually talking about the roast chicken you were holding ;)

Seriously, glad you are having a good week - enjoy your PVs Thurs/Fri and enjoy the compliments as you deserve them :)
Ha, Sid, well you did ask ...

We met through online dating and his first words to me we're "Oi oi saveloy!!"

Sigh, I should have realised then .... ;)

P x :D
My first conversation with my husband involved him spouting rubbish about Marxism in 20th Century English Literature but because I fancied him I nodded and listened politely rather them telling him he was talking utter tosh. It was only years later he admitted it was his way to tell if a woman liked him!
Mr.Sid came up to me at local disco and said " what's a nice girl like you not dancing for" I took one look at him and ran too loo and was sick....not because it was love at first sight but....... I had too much to drink...ahhhh well good to know nothings changed too much lol.
Me and Marty didn't like each other for 4 years! Then he graped me on a dance floor one night to acdc and we never looked back lol x
The romance girls!!!!! .....is there any james bonds out there lol
well done Pauline! I am liking ur control and planning, I may follow ur lead and work dukan around my life not the other way around ;-)
sarafvrm said:
He 'graped' you Jan? That sounds even worse than the other stories on here! Oh my God, my teenagers have all this to come fairly soon - painful, isn't it?

LOL - is that like 'grabbing' in the gypsy culture?! ;)

P x
Haha yes it would appear that way! But more he was too drunk so I thought a st Bernard was slobbering on my face and he had his hand on my bum! Cheeky! He was so mortified when I said to him when we next met I still cast it up lol x
oh dear me lol

I met mines on an online dating site also... after 14 years of being a WAG i was disillusioned by men and just wanted fun.... we started chatting and i though hey funny guy has horses and hates football so thats a bonus was kinda seeing a couple of other guys casually at the time oops but met up with him at the local equestrian centre and thought OMG hes short skinny bauld ugly and a twat haha he was persistant though and we then met again at the riding club dance .... i was totally plastered, he gave me a lift home and the rest is history LOL will have been together 12 years at xmas :D