Take two, go!

Went grand-thank god!! I bet you'll do great :)
Hubby cooking himself lamb burgers. Am about to go insane with the delicious smell!!!
Aw no, you can get through it! I can enjoy the smell of food without desiring it too much, that said my housemate's vegetarian so I'm not sure how I'd cope with meat... now feeling really cold for some reason, so I'm sitting on the sofa in my dressing gown under two blankets :p
Hey all - How are things - How did all your interviews go Kamikat?

Was absent from here for full 24hrs and felt as though I'd been away for ages!!!:eek:
Had an awful day yesterday - My middle girl fell and hurt her foot Tues eve, She wasn't complaining much but when she got up yest she was really limping - So all routine out the window - I drank half a shake and got her in the car to take her to minor injuries and left the other half thinking I'd be hungry when I got back...Spent the morning waiting for xray and then they said although foot xray was clear they still weren't happy so sent us to a bigger hosp further away to get hip x-rayed!!!
She was a little star and never complained once but by the time we had got her hip x-rayed and the all clear fr doc to go it was 2pm and needless to say I was starving!!!! Sooooo - I cheated and had a chicken wrap!!!:mad:

I am so appalled at myself - raging and have thought about nothing else since!!! Why oh why did I do it??? I know I will be so mad at myself come weigh in on Mon - Just hope that by sticking to plan and drinking even more water I can still have some loss - Would be so heartbreaking to have weight on for the sake of one chicken wrap!!!

If I can take any positive out of this S**tty day its that it has scared the crap outta me about cheating!!! I will DEF NOT be doing that again - hardly even slept last night!

Ah well I can't change whats already been done right?
*hugs* You had such a stressful day, don't beat yourself up about it, to be honest I can't hand-on-heart say that in that situation I wouldn't have done the same under all that stress. The main thing is that you're back on, so keep going, you ARE doing brilliantly seabre :)
Really glad that your girl's got the all clear, that's the important thing, hope she's feeling better today.
Interviews went okay I think, felt more confident this time round :) Hopefully I'll hear back by the beginning of next week, fingers crossed that at least one of the jobs comes through!
Please don't beat yourself up about it seabre - we all have off days. How's your daughter now? Also, if you're on plan all weekend you will be grand for weigh in. From what I can see you are doing great :)

Kami- that's great bout interviews!!! Whooo!!!
Thank you Ladies :heartpump: - I needed to hear your support I feel like I used the stress as an excuse as I am weak but I am over it now and have had a really good day so onwards for the rest of the week. Kamikat - glad to hear your interviews went well - would be a lovely new start for you and you'd be so distracted by all new challenges and getting to know things that you would find the lipo a breeze - take your mind off it for a while, really hope you get what you want.

I have found this week quite longer than usual again!!! Looking forward to th eweeks flying by again as they usually do in the run up to Christmas!!!

BTW I have started a little habit of trawling on this forum and online for healthy food options for the week I refeed for Christmas - Its weird cos I love it and all the food thinking doesnt seem to bother me one bit - I actually enjoy it , I think I'm weirder than I had thought :D
Thanks for your support skinnymindy - :D - I really appreciate it x
Part of me wishes that I'd started LT while I was still working for that reason seabre, but hey :p
Another good day today thankfully!! Feeling really positive - I think my slip up did me the power of good cos I'm so disgusted with myself for cheating that anytime I get a craving I remember how horrible I felt and it passes!!! Also I am on the scales every day (and have been since day 1 lol) and this morn I stayed the same again (have done since my slip up) BUT I noticed a change in my clothes mirror and even when driving this morn! Mt belly ususally up against the steering wheel _(I knwo sounds v attractive doesn't it??) but today I had a good wee gap there!! Nothing like changes like this to spur you on, and its not even 2 full weeks yet!!!!
That's great Seabre!! I love those kinds of changes, like clothes getting looser. Don't worry, those scales will shift downwards in no time. Fair play on getting straight back on the wagon!! I am hoping I manage the weekend ok but feeling motivated :)
Day 13
Yesterday had a really crummy day - job rejection, bad counselling appointment, not receiving payments for this month, and being catcalled by youths on the bus. Went to a friend's for dinner (had told her a few days ago that I wouldn't eat but would go to see her), was tempted to eat but thought that probably wouldn't help. And I still had a good evening laughing with her and her husband, who needs food to have a good time out with friends? So feeling good about myself for that :)
Later today I'm going to a craft fair, mainly to see a friend and her baby who are running a stall. There will be cake, but I can resist.
Sounds like you had such a tough week Kami- hope you're ok. Fair play for not giving into temptation last night!!! All this hard work you're putting in will pay off :) xx
Aw thanks Mindy :) Doesn't feel like I'm getting anywhere, but that's the negativity talking :p
HI Kamikat - Haven't been on here for a few days - Sorry you had a tough day, but well done you on resisting at your friends for dinner - Weigh in tom for us and I bet you'll be well rewarded!!!
Hey Seabre, lovely to see you here! How're things going for you?

Weighed-in this morning, have lost 5lb ^^ So now I'm just under 15stone, never crossing that line ever again!
Good on you Kamikat!!! Great incentive for staying on plan this week for you!
Yes I had a good week too - lost another 4 so over the stone mark and very happy!!! Wish I was at your weight though...HAHA we're never happy are we?????:D
Thanks girls :) Congrats on your loss Seabre, that's great!

It's one of those cold evenings where part of me wants to stay huddled in bed, but instead I'm heading out ceilidh dancing! I love ceilidhs, I've not been for a few months so I'm looking forward to it once I brave the cold and rain to get there!
Kamikat - Ceilidh Dancing!!! Haven't done that since I was at school and I used to love it!!! I imagine you'll have a fair bit of exercise put in at that too!!!!
See if there's a ceilidh near you seabre! I had a really god time, I'm so unfit though... after each dance I needed to sit and rest, whereas in my first year of uni I could do three dances before needing to stop. I'll get better though.

Cheated at dinner :nono: I'm staying overnight at my parents' house and my mum made chicken... now I have a headache, really not worth it. There's that voice in my head going "Chicken's healthy, it's fine!" - no excuses, brain. Onwards tomorrow.