Tano's slimming world diary

549 cal burned at Kettlercise, was a hard one tonight!!!

I'm doing body combat tomorrow too! Just packed my lunch for 1pm: doing a 1-9 window tomorrow as lunch is at 1pm.

40g raw cashews
Heinz tomato/chilli soup

Dinner will be fishcakes, bean salad and salad with a sweet chilli dip
No combat today!! This weather does NOT get me in the mood to exercise haha!!!

Eating window opened at 12pm. I had:
Heinz tomato soup with chilli
Banana and clementine
Mini muffin
Cashew nuts (40g)

Then I had an iced cookie (homemade)

Dinner: planned to have salad but a it's rainy and dark and cold, I swapped salad for veg so I had, 2 jumbo fishcakes, broccoli, peas, 2 Yorkshire puddings!!

I'm following hun, looking good! I did 5:2 for a bit it was good I just couldn't fast!! On my 600 cal days sometimes and ended up having more then no time to fit in another fast day!
what's the weather like? x
I'm following hun, looking good! I did 5:2 for a bit it was good I just couldn't fast!! On my 600 cal days sometimes and ended up having more then no time to fit in another fast day!

Thanks for following Hun!! Yeah I think I struggle so much on the low cal days haha x
10st 1 and a quarter this morning!!!

Just had a cup of tea and an activia yogurt taking daily cals to 1720 today x
What do u go on to hear people's dairys on if? Success stories ect xx
Other diet options / judd/intermittant fasting diaries xxx

Thanks, just had a look but can't really see who's doing it. What is judd? X x
Well this fasting is killing me today! Been up since 4.30 n now I'm sat in the staffroom watching everyone eating McDonald's breakfasts while I sit with a cup of t! Had to have semi skimmed milk tho as no skimmed, couldn't not have a drink! Hurry up 11.30 lol xx
Well this fasting is killing me today! Been up since 4.30 n now I'm sat in the staffroom watching everyone eating McDonald's breakfasts while I sit with a cup of t! Had to have semi skimmed milk tho as no skimmed, couldn't not have a drink! Hurry up 11.30 lol xx

Pure torture!! Well done for sticking to it :)

Fasted till 1pm, only having an 8am coffee.

Lunch: smoked sausage and mixed bean salad
Rice Krispie square
Mixed nuts

Then came home and had a cup of tea and 6 lotus biscuits

Dinner is sweet n sour chicken and wholemeal rice.
A circuit class tonight 6-7pm :) x
Tan where can I read up properly on this fasting diet? can't seem to find anything on it? does it say to eat just below the tdee or a certain amount below to lose a certain amount if weigh , eg 2lb a wk xx
Tan where can I read up properly on this fasting diet? can't seem to find anything on it? does it say to eat just below the tdee or a certain amount below to lose a certain amount if weigh , eg 2lb a wk xx

No it simply says anything below your TDEE will enable you to lose weight. The IF diet it's called xxx
There's lots of variations of the plan too Hun so u can play around and find what suit you best x
Ok hun thanks x