Team 4 is no more :-(

Could just be hormonal for this week if you've been good with the odd extra food pack, it will definitely come off!!! just a question of when really!
Hey everyone! Well day 2, about to have my last shake of the day so all going well! :D
How's Team 4 doing, I'm doing great so far this week, WI tonight and I haven't been near my scales but hoping for a few lbs, was really bloated as totm is on the way but feeling a bit better today so hopefully won't be too bad!!!! Well done bunny for another good day, and Wannabe have you had your WI yet? don't worry about a sts didn't you have a big loss last week could be your body catching up with it all... hope it went ok anyway. xx
Well I lost 1lb!
Looks like SS+ is not for me! I have been drinking enough so am a bit confused as to how I can have so few calories and only lose a pound. I'd prob lose more than that on WW and I get to have maltesers everyday!!!

BUT...I do understand that these things happen and I am looking at it as 9lb in 2 weeks which is fantastic :) I dont have a huge amount to lose so I'm glad its coming off.

Sticking with SS for this week, not giving up, heres to a big loss next week.

Hope everyone has a good day :)
At least you got 1lb loss hun, stick with it, could just be your body adjusting to losing so much in a short amount of time, sure it'll fly off again next week... stay focussed! x
Hi, thought I'd check in here. How's everyone doing? Hey wannabe10, don't blame SS+ for the 1lb weight loss as I am sure it's just hormonal and your body settling down after an 8lbs loss. It will be higher next week, I bet.

I get weighed Wed morning. Been very good except for having a meal with my friends where they served up a low fat fish curry............with a spoonful of flipping rice! That's always the way with my friends. They get there....but then not quite. Next time, if there is a next time, I'll bring my own broccoli!

How's the week going for Loz, Bunny and wannabeskinny then?
Morning ladies...

Well despite my CDC WI being -2 my scales are not kind today and I've only lost 0.4lbs this week! cry.....

Due to totm being 5 days late I reakon! wish it would hurry up.. still onwards and downwards not going to dwell on it too much.

Right, mine today is -2.4

Last week: 198.8
This week: 198.4
% Loss : 0.201

Hope that's right..

Off to find a blowing raspberry smilie....
hi guys, lost 2lbs this week -- not my usual 3lbs owing to a slight slip-up on Sunday when I went to my friend's house for dinner, but you live and learn!

So, now that Loz has shown me how to calculate the percentage:
Last week 188lbs
this week 186lbs (-2lbs)
percentage: 1.06%

Good luck to everyone else!
Thought I'd bump this thread up ready for the WIs!!!! Where are team 4 hiding these days? Hope no news is good news!

Don't worry hanjole, we all have weeks were we usually means a great weight loss the following week!
I'm here! I've just been busy!

I'm not expecting great things this week as had a big loss last week. I'll let you know....

I'll start the loss table then....
Bunnyg - ?
Hanloje - 0.4 (0.2%)
Wannabe10 - 1lb (?%)
Loz1984 - ?
francesmag - 2lb (1.06%)
wannabeskinny - ?

Team Result - ?
hi all wi tom but dont think they have shiffted, i sleep walk often and last night i must have gone into the kitchen and ate cake, this morning the knife was out and the cake was eaten!! dont expect too much this week i have now hid the cake!!!!
Morning ladies, well done everyone on losses this week, I'm doing ok, 100% focussed on this for the moment, and my totm arrived this morning! hurrah so that should help the loss for next week.... has never been this late before... sigh... oh well better late than never I say...

Here's to a good week this week for us all. x
morning all lost 2lbs even though i ate cake in the middle of the night good luck to all and well done all x