what's your favorite bad joke

Why does Brock love his Vulpix?

Because he loves foxy ladies. >w>
What's brown and sticky?
A stick :eek:
What do you call a blind moose?
No idea! (No-eye-deer)

What do you a blind moose with no legs?
Still no idea!

What do you call a blind moose with no legs on fire?
Still no flaming idea!
Name a sport ... Four letters starting with a T
Golf .... Think about it .... ;)

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Some crisps were driving down the road when they saw some other crisps at the roadside. They stopped to offer them a lift .... 'No thanks' they said 'we're walkers' :)

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Two peanuts were walking down the road. One was a salted.

One atom says to another, "I've lost an electron!"
The other atom asks, "Are you sure?"
The first atom replies, "Absolutely! I am POSITIVE!"