Your Body Magic

PS. Lauren - where did you get the little chart where you could mark off the days? I'm starting back at the beginning of level 1 x
Here you go =D hope its right size for you, I use m phone for Minimins so when Jodie gave me this I resized it so it wasn't too big on my phone ^.^


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Here you go =D hope its right size for you, I use m phone for Minimins so when Jodie gave me this I resized it so it wasn't too big on my phone ^.^

Thank you! How did you put the little stamps on it as you went along?? x
An app on my phone =D I'm sure if you have Paint, or photoshop or something on your laptop you can use that instead though.
Well done!

Pilates done for me today, killer!! :)
It felt like every fatty thing I've eaten in two weeks was literally ripped out of me! Thank God my friend ran with me I felt like stopping at least 5 times but wanting to keep up with her kept me going. Hurrah! I really do need to drag my butt out Saturday morning to run before we go to London....I just hope I can motivate myself as I really need to get back on these every other day runs. Otherwise I'm never going to regain my ability to keep on going =( I hate wanting to stop, I got to such a good level!
Starting 3DS for sure again for sure tomorrow, time to lose some inches now!

Wahoooo good luck! I need to start killer abs still...perhaps do that in a week as I'm already choc a bloc this week with running and socialising!

Ran 3 1/2 miles today, aiming for 4 miles tomorrow morning ^.^ getting a bit easier to be enthusiastic now that it's being programmed into me to bring back the routine!!
Swam 42 lengths today in 45 minutes! I used to love swimming when I was younger and am really glad I decided to start going again. So far this week I've had 3 walks and 2 swimming sessions, so feeling really proud of myself. I just hope it shows on the scales for my first proper weigh in!

Would love to start running eventually but at my size it'd probably do my knees in so think I'll leave it a few stone first! x
Swam 42 lengths today in 45 minutes! I used to love swimming when I was younger and am really glad I decided to start going again. So far this week I've had 3 walks and 2 swimming sessions, so feeling really proud of myself. I just hope it shows on the scales for my first proper weigh in!

Would love to start running eventually but at my size it'd probably do my knees in so think I'll leave it a few stone first! x

No one is too big to run! If u do want to take it up, highly advise interval running. So run for 30 seconds or 1 minute, then walk for 5 minutes etc etc. it's a good build up that's how I started and now I can run 4 miles continuously...would never have managed that before!
Ran a measly 2 1/2 miles today. Glad I got out there as I nearly didn't, medication I'm on is giving me killer cramps so I had to cut the run short for that reason :( getting back out there tomorrow too though! Right before weigh in ^.^
I started exercising last week, i was so surprised how much i could do, i expected them to be calling me an ambulance after 10 mins on the treadmill lol.

Sunday: 26 lengths in the pool (half on my back which is way easier!)
Monday: treadmill/cross trainer/bike at the gym (10/5/10mins)
Wednesday: Treadmill/bike after WI (20/20mins)
Thursday: BodyPump (60mins) - first time in years so i only used the bar - no weights lol

Friday (today): going for a swim after work
Saturday (tomorrow): BodyPump again - with weights this time!

how do you work longer workouts into your body magic weekly log as it only goes up to 15min bouts? eg if i do an hour, do i put it as 1x15 (as in 1 instance of exercise) or 4x15?
Nooo put as 4 x15 for sure! As long as u exercise over the required days it's fine. Often when doing my Gold, I'd do the full week's exercise in 3 days and so the chart would fill up, just kept logging rest in as normal and then it ticked it off for the week, so don't worry about 'over exercising' :)
thats great thanks! i went for a swim this morning - managed 28 lengths, but man my shoulders and thighs ache tonight! doing bodypump tomorrow, hope i can manage it lol
Right I'm getting back into it, ran 3.4 miles Monday, 1.8 miles Tuesday (only supposed to be a quick one before weigh in) and Wednesday I'm doing killer abs in morning again I reckon! Depends what I fit in, tomorrow is choc a bloc ! I need to get back into 5 days a week with no groaning and moaning. That was me one month ago and determined to scrape that attitude back ^.^
thats good going! i'll start running someday, but enjoying the gym/swim/pump at the moment. i'm well into my second week of exercise and managing to do a little more each time. tho i must say after bodypump on saturday i felt so weak and light-headed, maybe i'm doing too much? or more likely not eating enough. weigh in tomorrow eve (weds) so i'll find out if all this hard work is paying off lol
Pilates done! :)

30 Day Shred in the morning if I'm not aching like mad from Pilates...