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  1. W

    My first weigh in on CD SS...

    Heyhey! Well done you! Keep it up! :D
  2. W

    Floppy fat!!

    BeyondLowCarb - Index Great site for more muscle and eating related info. (No I do not own/run/admin or otherwise have anything to do with it)
  3. W

    my mindframe has hit a glitch

    Hi there and best wishes during your break :-) You know, I sort of see this as a road trip. CD is the car to get us where we're going. Sometimes, we might make a little rest stop along the way - but then we get right back on the road and that car will still get us where we're going - it just...
  4. W

    Banana shakes

    Or haha mix the minimum amount of water that you can with it and "Over the lips and through the gums! Look out tummy here it comes!" bolt that sucker! :D
  5. W

    Banana shakes

    Mix it with choc and have banana choc. Just use half the mixed powder 2x a day. (I don't like banana flavoured stuff, so I feel your pain!) I am not sure if there is a butterscotch one - but would that + banana taste like banoffee? No idea.
  6. W


    Where did I say it was OK FOR PEOPLE ON THIS DIET TO EAT? When did I even say "IT'S OK TO EAT" ? I don't think I've said either of those things. FACT: I did NOT, NEVER say what you accuse me of saying, nor did I say anything remotely similar to it. FACT: I said: people are meant to eat food...
  7. W

    Floppy fat!!

    It feels like that because the muscle under it is becoming larger, whilst the fat is getting smaller, and so the fat cannot "spread" over the muscle properly (realllllly laymans terms there but it's about right) so i jiggles and bunches, making it look and feel creepy. :-)
  8. W

    FAO Weightlifting chick with WonderWoman Avatar!

    Found her, thanks!! :-) (and YES!)
  9. W

    Floppy fat!!

    and this: Hussman Fitness - The Scale: You Really Do Change from the Inside Out YAY for floppy fat!
  10. W

    Floppy fat!!

    THAT is an excellent sign! Seriously! Read this: "Jiggly Fat" - Try and remember, this is a GOOD thing. Here's why... - Low Carb Friends It's awesome!
  11. W


    Hey, I *was* playing nice (ok not all frou frou huggles and kisses and fairy dust - admittedly) and merely stated a FACT and an OPINION with no malicious intent and I got pounced on for it!
  12. W


    I am defensive of mine as well - CD SS! (no cheats, no food, no nothing! I don't cheat on my diet) At the same time - I do see my actual friends go through this whole guilt thing and it makes me sad to watch it. I also watch other people ask over and over about cheating, then say they won't when...
  13. W


    Hey you :) I AM sorry for thinking you had counsellors and I am also sorry for *seeming* to come across as though - well see the posts we exchanged earlier...but I don't think it is wrong to express a view on guilt + food or answer a question. I never made any statement as to "tomato or shake"...
  14. W


    Oh for Gods sake. WHERE did I say ANYTHING mean or encourage ANYONE to do ANYTHING?! Who's being snippy here? Further, honest is not negative. It's honest. and I didn't require this post from you, either - but it didn't stop you from chucking your 2p in, did it? I am not going to just keel...
  15. W


    OOH reading this again, I cannot even believe that you just said all that stuff in your previous post! The only reason I even said ANYthing was in answer to YOUR thread that YOU started. Nice.
  16. W


    (psssst! I also am 6 feet tall, had a baby 10 months ago who I breastfed until one month ago and *currently* wear a size 16. Just for your info, hon! xxx :):):) )
  17. W


    LOL! I just posted why I am on a diet at all. To get used to eating smaller portions again as you need a LOT more calories whilst pregnant and breastfeeding. What? Are we just not reading anything anyone says at all before we post utter nonsense? I've never encouraged anyone to cheat and you...
  18. W

    FAO Weightlifting chick with WonderWoman Avatar!

    Hey, I've been trying to find a post from you as I cannot recall your user name! I have an e-book I want to send you - it should go well with what you're doing right now - but I need your email address. Anne xx
  19. W


    You tell them "Don't bring me a potato, thanks." Mushrooms have nearly NO carbs, no cals and really: No nutritional value. If you lived on mushrooms you would literally starve to death. People usually connect food with enjoyment. They started this at birth, with breastfeeding. The thing is...
  20. W

    Doesn't look like I can do CD!!

    saraian24: How did you find it hard? Just curious. Was it the cooking of separate foods because you have a family? Or? If so, I know what you mean. The PSMF is hard for me because of that reason, so I went with CD just as an easier way to avoid cooking 2 meals 3x a day. :-)
  21. W

    Doesn't look like I can do CD!!

    Re the SS: If you do SS+ will that work? All you have to do is "Add some skim milk in" and there you go. No doctor has to sign anything.
  22. W

    Sh**ting Myself

    Hey Babe! And check your look in the mirror a LOT! That will keep you in check!! ;-) Think about how GREAT you look and give that bread and cake the V!
  23. W

    Meat??? apologies to all for talking about guilt with regard to food and for stating tomato facts. Please don't take anything I've said as an encouragement to eat meat or a tomato or any combination thereof. Sorry for answering a question and also for sharing my feelings on a common issue...
  24. W


    What if someone doesn't want to BE on TFR for ONE day? They haven't got any good choices because no one will help them with the information needed to make them? Or what? Will you just be on TFR forever? Not being snarky - honestly asking you. What happens next?
  25. W


    Erm...I meant your diet counsellor. I am really sorry about that. I didn't know you didn't have one with LipoTrim. Maybe talk to the guy at the chemist where you buy it then? I didn't mean to sound that way. You must be able to see that 99% of the time when someone goes OFF PLAN for something...
  26. W


    Still, please DO read that entire Ketosis article, not just the snippet. The blood sugar regulates within minutes when you have food.
  27. W


    Hmm. All I did was speak my mind and give my opinion and offer a correction. Nowhere did I encourage anyone to do anything. What would you rather? That our forum pal here went off the diet for a day in a good way or in a bad one? If no one can ask and get REAL information then they will just...
  28. W


    Where did I encourage anything? Citation, please? Thought so.
  29. W


    So I guess education is also not on the menu then? If you want to be all snarky - we can do that too. That was not my intention. *Can't see the forest for the hyperbole*
  30. W


    Hello?! I am not encouraging anyone to do anything. I am correcting misinformation - primarily that tomatoes ahve a lot of carbs and that GUILT is a big part of what many people have a problem with to begin with. It's the whole mindset. AND The whole reason why most people on these diets (I'm...
  31. W

    Sagging Skin Worries? Read this.

    The author is a bodybuilder and a well-versed one at that. See the BMI scales and where you fall therein. The lower range of that is what you're shooting for.
  32. W

    Sagging Skin Worries? Read this.

    thefutureisbright: If you're weight training (not those dinky girl weights but real weights)/eating protein and watching fats/carbs and into the right eating and all that, you should see: BeyondLowCarb - Index Excellent forum - dispels all myths, as well! You'd LOVE it there!
  33. W

    Sh**ting Myself

    Everything in moderation. Stick to Low Carb if you can which will keep water retention and bloating down and have shakes where you can and then eat sensibly the rest of the time. Try not to have too much alcohol as it dehydrates, leading to water retention and other than that - enjoy yourself...
  34. W

    Hardest part for me, on SS.

    Hi all! Sorry I've missed this thread out! As our littlies are all 2 and under (twins and baby) I have to make 3 meals + snacks every day. That's hard for me! I can so understand everyone here. Also <snark>I hate it that I cook/clean/cook/clean/cook/clean ad infinitum only to watch other...
  35. W


    That's the thing I don't understand about a bunch of people here - when they say it. Guilt? For a tomato and some meat? If you are feeling GUILT for stuff like this then maybe talk to your counsellor? I don't think this is supposed to be an endless guilt train, is it? If it is, I am not...
  36. W

    Doesn't look like I can do CD!!

    Actually, Atkins will put you in stronger ketosis than CD. Also: Where do you get that it is hard? Have you read the Atkins Diet Handbook? I have. It's not hard at all. The weight loss just takes longer because it's much less strict than 3x shake/soup/bar a day.
  37. W


    Oh and EXCUSE ME! I didn't realise lipotrim made no allowances for refeeds. Please disregard the post that was here wherein I was trying to help the OP.
  38. W


    Oh and EXCUSE ME! I didn't realise lipotrim made no allowances for refeeds. Please disregard the post that was here wherein I was trying to help the OP.
  39. W

    Starting diet on Wednesday - a little question?

    Well for one, some sagging skin looks better than the alternative ;-) and for two, in the main forum I've posted a link to an essay on sagging skin. Best Wishes!
  40. W

    Sagging Skin Worries? Read this.

    The Myth of Loose Skin (Sorry, cross-posted here as this is my main forum, but I posted it in the lipotrim one to help a guy over there.)
  41. W

    Sagging Skin Worries? Read this.

    The Myth of Loose Skin
  42. W

    Thinking of stopping!!

    Sagging skin DOES dissipate. Read this: The Myth of Loose Skin
  43. W

    Does anyone else find this diet 'easy'?

    I am finding it easy as I don't have to make separate meals for myself. My only hard part is cooking for my family and being unable to eat. :-)
  44. W

    3rd weight-in, whats the point!

    Oh and: what kind of shakes are you having? Dairy make some people retain water and soy makes other people retain water. Really hun, this is ALL your problem could be. Push your thumb into the bottom of your shin, right on the bone (about 5 inches up your shin from your ankle) for 3 seconds...
  45. W

    3rd weight-in, whats the point!

    Hi! You know, is it that time of month? I mean, could you be retaining water? If so, give it 5 days and weigh again - I bet you'll be very pleasantly surprised! Also, could your scale have been messed up or broken? Additionally, did you maybe use a different scale to normal or have more...
  46. W

    Newbie here! Hiya!

    Hello wannabeskinny! GOOD LUCK!! As for me, haven't been weighed since the 12lb loss but I have measured and lost another inch from waist - making it a total of 3 inches so far and 1.5 inches off my upper arms (yay!!) and 1.5 inches off my thighs and I am not really sure about my bust....but I...
  47. W

    Newbie here! Hiya!

    Fatbird: *Squawks at name because it's funny!* I obviously don't recognise your name from elsewhere, but wishing you luck and all the best! The kidlets are super :-) (Aside from wanting to throttle S this AM as he's pulled his "peep" out of the top of his nappy and peed himself up right as his...
  48. W

    Hardest part for me, on SS.

    I won't fail because that's not like me - but I have to say: The hardest part of this for me isn't wishing I could be snacking, or being hungry, etc. Instead - it is when I make a nice dinner for my family, and I have to check it's cooled off, I have to check it tastes right, etc. Having a...
  49. W

    Bad day!

    Chin up, you made it 5 (!!!) weeks! That's awesome! So you stepped off for a day. Learn from it and do better! Also, don't beat yourself up hun. THAT will never help and just make you feel like sh*%e.
  50. W

    First shake and nearly went sick ..... anyone else feel like this???

    Me too. Retch. I drink only chocolate now, with the odd cappuccino.
  51. W

    can u have to MUCH water?????

    I drink about 6 pints a day, maybe 8 on a hot day, but I am tall and have 3 littlies and I get thirsty!! That's from about 7am till midnight though...(thisrty now, actually!!)
  52. W

    Before & During Photo - Week 3

    OMG! Wow what a difference!!! TELL ME you *do* see it in the mirror too, right? You look fab! (and I wouldn't say it if I didn't think so)
  53. W

    Newbie here! Hiya!

    Hiya! Basically take a moment during naps and otherwise, run around with them. 2 in pushchair, one in sling!! :-)
  54. W

    1st Weight-in today!!!!!

    Wow super! Excellent results!! :D
  55. W

    Newbie here! Hiya!

    Ooh hi all and thanks for the warm welcome! FD: Heya chick!! It was partially you from last year, who made me research this whole VLCD lark! :-) So glad to see ya here! Not been hanging out 'elsewhere' much of late...just running around doing my stuff for the (eek!) wedding...
  56. W

    4th weigh in

    Well done! You've done well every week so far! Super! :D
  57. W

    Newbie here! Hiya!

    I am new here, my name's Anne. I've been on CD for almost a week. I am 6 feet tall, started at 16 stone 1 lb and am currently 15 stone 3 lbs, size 16-18 and am just glad to be losing weight after giving up breastfeeding. I had a set of twins June 25th 2006 and followed them right up with a...
  58. W

    Daft question. WW Scales? How to read?

    OK thanks! Lost 12 lbs this week then! It's just that my CD counsellor said "Sixteen point one stone" and later "Fifteen point 3 stone" so maybe she doesn't get that you don't say "point" when it's a : if you see what I mean.
  59. W

    Daft question. WW Scales? How to read?

    See image: (this is not my weight!! Explain in a sec!) So, is that 9.06 stone or is that 9 stone and 6 lbs? It does make a difference ;-) and I am trying to figure out how much I've lost and the figures are different depending on what the scale means by 16: 1 (note space) and 15: 3 Help?
  60. W

    Recipes for foodpack, Muffin,crisps,fudge cake!

    Hiya Lily! OK I see what you mean....
  61. W

    Thread not posting?

    I think my other thread didn't post. Why?
  62. W

    WW Scale Reading Question

    Hey all, sorry for the daft question, but how are the ww scales set to stones read? See image: Is that 9.06 stone OR is it 9 stone + 6 lbs? My CD has weighed me 2x and I don't know what I've lost as the scale said 16: 1 (note the space) and a week later 15: 3. So, how many lbs have I...
  63. W

    Recipes for foodpack, Muffin,crisps,fudge cake!

    Is it me? Does anyone else think these recipes are just replacements for stuff we should be teaching ourselves not to eat? In other words: If eating crisps, muffins, chocolate etc is what got people here, shouldn't we be learning not to eat so much stuff like that instead of finding ways to...
  64. W

    AAM advice needed please...

    Dammit! I keep answering REALLY OLD posts! LOL!
  65. W

    AAM advice needed please...

    I just posted this elsewhere... Oh and I am new: Hi! :-D Well, if you eat something low carb, then it will ramp up your metabolism whilst still allowing you to pop right back into ketosis. It also will set various hormones and minerals aright. :-)
  66. W

    Indian food - what can you have on AAM?

    Hello, newbie - but have a comment! Hey all :-) I just wanted to say that if you're doing AAM, where does Cambridge stand on that because surely the carbs matter more than the fat? So, better to have chicken than potatoes, or? Starches (sugars, basically - as that's what starches are) have a...