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    -- Lighter Life Alternatives --

    Does this help people understand themselves better... e.g. know why they eat? or why they cannot/do not stop eating?
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    -- Lighter Life Alternatives --

    So what happens in the counselling that is different from speaking to a friend? I would like to understand how you think the counselling helps.
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    -- Lighter Life Alternatives --

    So is the counselling and support the bit that works for people longer term?
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    -- Lighter Life Alternatives --

    Yes... are there any such options.... is there any other organisations similar to LL that just offer counselling, support, education and awareness...?
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    -- Lighter Life Alternatives --

    I would like to discuss alternatives to LL - or in other words.... If LL was to be reinvented, would a VLCD free diet work? i.e. 15 week course offering just counselling, support, education and awareness...?
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    Alternatives to LL that offers the counselling only

    Hi everyone... is there an alternative to LL that offers the counselling, education and support in a group.... and do you think it would work?