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  1. G


    Very Happy Newbee First posting so don't have any of the fancy tickers etc yet but delighted to report a loss of 7.5lbs on my first weigh-in yesterday. I had a bug last week and was only able to start the plan from Friday onwards so a great start!! :D
  2. G

    Silver Wedding

    Went for a 5 day weigh-in this evening and have lost 6lb since Monday. Very pleased with this and it is great motivation for the rest of the weekend. Got stocked up with another week's rations.
  3. G

    Living Day to Day

    I realise now that I actually posted on here back in 2007 but didn't follow it up. Well I actually lost 4.5 stone on LL and was feeling brilliant about my weight loss. Went on holiday with some friends and fell very ill. Turned out I had gall stones and I had almost 6 months of being very ill...
  4. G

    Silver Wedding

    Just trying to get a ticker for my posts - let's see if this works
  5. G

    Silver Wedding

    Well couldn't wait for the official weigh-in in Boots at the weekend. Stepped on the scales this morning and I have lost 4 pounds. Obviously all water weight judging by the number of trips to the loo in the past 4 days!! Had the chicken soup yesterday and found it just too powdery. Having a...
  6. G

    Silver Wedding

    Hi ladies (& gents), it's my silver wedding anniversary in a couple of months and although there is no way I'm ever going to be a size 10 as I was on my wedding day I'm trying to lose some weight in preparation for a cruise in May. Today is day 3 using the Tony Ferguson weight loss plan and...
  7. G

    Flippin heck!

    Wow, good for you - it' so encouraging when you can wear new clothes that you like, rather than just something that is in your size. When you get down into your next size down make sure you have a friend with you so that you can squeal and generally jump around together (it looks slightly...
  8. G

    Living Day to Day

    On week 9 Hi all - decided that since I spend so much time reading everyones' posts about LL on various websites I should join and get some support from all the other poor sods out there struggling with abstinance. I am in the middle of week 9 and 'cheating' like a mad thing! Secretly...