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  1. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Hello everyone, another week goes by and another quick update, lost a pound at WI so got my club 10 last night, if I can just get that last tricky pound off next week I'll get my stone and a half sticker...and I WANTS that sticker!!!! My loss has slowed down a fair bit now, probably as I'm...
  2. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Well done! How did your third weigh in go? Glad you enjoy my diary, I'm not quite as regular as I was at first with it, I guess cos there's only so many times I can write "went to gym, ate a baked potato" before it get's incredibly dull. Anyway, another week goes by and another weigh in... I...
  3. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Thank you Becky! :D WI was yesterday and I'd lost one pound, not as much as usual, but I put this down to OD'ing on porridge oats this week after discovering magic porridge (where you stick the oats into a mullerlight then leave them to absorb, bit nice I kinda went a bit mad for them...
  4. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Thank you Sassie, I'm doing my best and enjoying it too..which I think is a rarity when it comes to any sort of diet! Hope it's all going well for you too! :)
  5. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Been a busy old week, and the weekend was a busy one too! London on the Saturday all day (where my usual cast iron will power slipped a bit when presented with a box of treats at an event I was attending - so 4 oreos, 2 flapjack fingers and a pack on mini-maltesers later....I was working the...
  6. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    ok, well last weeks result was rather perplexing, but on plan I stayed regardless...this weekend though I was away visitng a friend and staying in a bed & breakfast, a bed & FRIED breakfast...which did taste pretty good, I never have fried food but it was included in the cost so hey ho.. Also...
  7. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    ok, I've got over my anger now! ...almost... Been on plan, but am now away for the weekend which is gonna prove difficult, hopefully there is a supermarket close by and I can just go buy the whole fruit aisle or long as I don't have to live off baked beans...I worked out I've had...
  8. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    ok, so last night was weigh in...went to the gym on Monday and last night before going, did lots of running...I felt this week I wouldn't lose as much as the last few weeks but was feeling pretty confident so... I GAINED A POUND! WTF???? :confused: Have been totally on plan...well ok, this is...
  9. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Been a good weekend! My sports team won it's game and I've stuck to the plan no problem, SW is great when you are at home and have a full fridge, but it's made me realise just how awful motorway services are, pulling in at 11 o'clock at night, all I wanted was a baked spud and beans, simple...
  10. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    thank you Sassie! I'm petty determined :) Haven't been able to do as much gym this week, as really busy. Still on plan 100% though and will find time for some gym on Friday afternoon after work, then I can get three good workouts in before wi day. Hope it's going well for you too!
  11. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Well it's weigh in day! *gulp* Went to gym after work for a little extra help and did an hours solid run on the treadmill, still chuffed I can do that, then off to SW class (after a pretty boring bus ride home). I was hoping to lose at least half a pound to take me to my first half stone, more...
  12. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    yep, I'm now an a-cup as opposed to a b. ;) Seriously though, chest does seem flatter, yeah. It's not like I was dealing with Über moobs to start off with but definately less bounce on the treadmill! I'm all for a bouncing chest on a beautiful girl as she runs barefoot across the sand on a...
  13. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    thank you! :D Good luck to you too, stick at it!
  14. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Well the good old SW chili con carne is great, you can make ahuge portion, bag it up, freeze it then take along to work with a potaoe to cook in the microwave, simple and easy to transport. If your a fan of quorn sausages, then sausage casserole is easy, and goes well with a spud. I'm still...
  15. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Went to watch a bad called "David Devant & His Spirit Wife" they came out around the Brit-pop era so it's kinda a nostalgia trip for me, they used to have an avant guard or art w*nk as the singer called it stage show, with props and stuff. Check them out online, sound very Bowie. I'm never sure...
  16. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Thanks Baroness! I see you have just started on your SW journey too, I hope it goes well for you, It's a bit of re-educating yourself food wise but so far I've been eating more than I ever did and still losing weight. Managed to out do myself at the gym last night, 1 FULL HOUR running! :) Has...
  17. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Thanks Sorus! Any idea what's been causing your little gain the last few weeks? or is it just one of those quirks of dieting before your body settles down again. Off to the gym now, got a good two hours+ to fill before going out somewhere later so intend to use it fully. Had a big lunch of...
  18. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Well it was weigh in day yesterday and....lost another THREE pounds! yeah! Really didn't expect to lose that much again, I would have been content with one but that was a really cool surprise. :) Now I'm really determined, I only need a pound this week for my half stone award, it's in my...
  19. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Tonight's the night! Went to gym yesterday and did 40 min run and 40 min cycle, pretty much wiped me out as I hadn't had chance to eat much during the day. Feel ok about tonight, not as "light" as I did the first week, but I guess that was because my body had it's first week adjustment to the...
  20. SkaterBoy

    Faery's 'Today there's less of me' Diary

    you sound very focused and determined! Keep it up! Good target for the summer too, I too just wanna look good in something other than a huge winter coat and a bunch of layers!
  21. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Hope you all had a good weekend! I did, was in Leeds on Saturday evening and had to go to one of those "around the world all you can eat buffet places" but I opted for the stirfry and fruit to finish, avoiding the chocolate fountain! Snacked on chicken and rice during the day to keep me full up...
  22. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    ok, let myself off this Friday gym wise. Have quite a bit to do this evening so a dog walk will have to do I'm afraid. SW Quorn Chilli for tea with rice. Hope you all have a good weekend!
  23. SkaterBoy

    Diamond Princesses Diary to Goal!

    keep at it! are you doing much exercise at the same time as the diet? It can help to boost your metabolism. Have fun in Vegas, it's a crazy place, been there 5 times I think now... deep fried Oreo cookies in the one you had better keep to the plan so you can try one!
  24. SkaterBoy

    Slim for Summer Diary??

    well, sticking to the plan and a shedload of cardio...let's see what Tuesdays weigh in brings, if it's another good one then I'll be really chuffed. Friday afternoon, gym or not to gym...gah! ;)
  25. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Yeah, I live in a rural area just work in the city centre (unfortunately it's a bit of a mission to get to in the morning - very early starts :( I'm sure the dog would appreciate a country stroll though. Fitness DVD....hmm, yeah I'm not too sure I could take being preached at by Davina or...
  26. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Cos I'm in the city centre and I'll end up spending money ;) Something different would be good but unless I get a sweat on I don't feel like I've worked hard enough, I wont be able to any exercise over the weekend as I'm in Leeds all day tomorrow and Manchester for a bit on Sunday, gonna pack...
  27. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Thanks Sorus! I was lucky enough to be given an extra fridge/freezer before Christmas which is currently empty in my garage so I've no excuse but to fill that sucker up. Sounds like a good plan to have a big supply of different meals already cooked, then as you say it's a lot less easy to...
  28. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Still going strong! Went to the gym again last night, couldn't spend as long there as normal though, so did a 40 min run and 20 mins cycle before heading home. Tackled the SW chips tonight, was pretty impressed! Nice home made feel/taste to them! wiht plenty of chicken and corn/peas/beans on...
  29. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Wow, what a way to start the day...a test of my willpower, birthday cookies & cakes in the office! Normally I'm a slave to the cookie but now I'm more interested in the pineapple and fat free yoghurt I have in the fridge. Was out late last night so couldnt eat again till I got in at 10.30pm...
  30. SkaterBoy

    Slim for Summer Diary??

    Good luck with the first weigh in Anna! Mine went well, 3.5lbs :D To add goals and those little charts into your message write them into the section where you have your "signature", you can do this from your user control panel (first choice at the top of the page) those cool little weight loss...
  31. SkaterBoy

    Sue's 'No More Pratting' Diary

    oops, my mistake! was too busy typing to read properly! People who act badly always get it back in the end, I've seen it time and time again. If the only thing she has going in her life is to make other people miserable, she really must have a very boring existence!
  32. SkaterBoy

    Sue's 'No More Pratting' Diary

    Stuff your ex Sue, not yourself! Karma has a way of biting people like that in the *ss, so you stick at it. hmm, actually sounds to me like you just lost 13 stone of useless fat in one go. ;) x
  33. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Thanks McG, I probably need to get some time to sit down and read the book through properly to see if moving onto the other plans would benefit me, at the moment though ee seems fine, to be honest, I'm eating more on it than I did before starting the diet, always just starved myself basically...
  34. SkaterBoy

    The war against the moobs...a man on a diet

    Hi everyone, I thought I'd write one of these diaries to chart my progress and hopefully spur myself on to victory in the war against the moobs. Last night was my first weigh in after a week on Extra-easy, I did feel pretty good but wasn't going to count my chickens before they hatched...