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    I get bad headaches if I don't drink enough water. Plus this muggy weather doesn't help! Izzymum
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    Where do you notice weight loss first?

    My waist and boobs mainly, also my double chin has decreased a bit lol Izzymum
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    Wii Fit +, Does it work?

    Yes I think it does work, I have been using it every night for about 30 mins and have lost 2 stone so far. I go on the stepping, jogging and boxing mainly. I also use the Active sports game and that is a bit more of a tougher work out and there is loads on there too. Izzymum
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    xx Healthy Weight-loss xx

    Yes me, I'm just healthy eating with a bit of exercise too. I've done so many fad diets over the years and not one has worked. Yet just watching what I eat, and more exercise seems to be working.
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    When did people notice

    Back to my original post, my parents recently returned from a long trip to Cyprus and they said I'd lost loads bless them, so feeling a bit happier now lol! Izzymum
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    Over weighing yourself...

    I Weigh myself everyday on the Wii Fit and my normal scales lol. I find it helps me stay more determined, if I put on a bit one day, then I'll try and do a bit more exercise. Izzymum :)
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    Yay my favourite cropped trousers fit!

    Thanks both, and I hope your right that I will need to buy new ones next summer :). Izzymum
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    Go me!!!!!

    Well done:), bet you feel great!
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    Pefrect 10

    I think I would be happy at being a 14! Izzymum
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    When did people notice

    Well done on losing 5 stone! and what a nice guy he sounds!
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    Yay my favourite cropped trousers fit!

    I have not been able to wear them for the past 2 summers!, Really felt like giving up in the week but this has given me the boost I need! Izzymum x
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    clothes size . .

    When I was 17 stone I was about an 18 but might need a 20 in some stores. All depends on your body shape really :)
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    Targets for May??

    Hi My goal is 11lbs this month, 5lb down so far this month, so banking on the next two weeks to do it! Katy
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    When did people notice

    Thanks for all your responses, I feel smaller and that is the main thing! Katy
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    Is it possible?

    Yes that's what I am doing, cutting out the rubbish and eating sensible meals with lots of veg and with a little bit of exercise on the wii fit in the evenings. Seems to be working so far. Good luck! Katy
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    When did people notice

    Yes, as others have said, they see us to often to notice maybe? - well done on your loss so far!
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    When did people notice

    Yes your right, when I see my mum next bet she says something. Not following a diet as such, just cutting back on rubbish and exercising more.
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    When did people notice

    Yes your right, I probably can't see it myself yet, and my hubby sees me everyday so he won't notice, mind you he don't even notice when I have my hair cut! Well done on your loss too.
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    When did people notice

    Can you remember when people started to notice your weight loss? I have only lost 15lbs so far, well my clothes feel loser but I don't look any different. I think it may be another couple of stones maybe before people notice as I was big anyway? izzymum
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    Weight loss with Wii Fit?

    I have been using the wii fit for 3 weeks now and it is paying off so far. I also use Just Dance and time flies on there, and it really does make you sweat. Going to invest in an exercise bike also. Kate
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    What is your current weight & dress size?

    I am currently 19 stone 4lb and about a 20-22 on the bottom and 18-20 on the top. I tend to carry my weight evenly all over. Kate
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    Hi all

    New to this forum and have enjoyed reading the messages so far. I have a long way to go with my weight loss and hope to lose a couple of stone for my holiday in July. I am not following a specific diet just healthy eating and more exercise. Seems to be working so far! Kate