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  1. B

    need to gain!!!

    Tonights the weigh in, Eating a half gallon of ice cream today. Heard from someone that it holds/ absorbs 3 times its weight of water. Lots of water, water, water...
  2. B

    need to gain!!!

    Details haven't all been worked out yet but, A few guys throwing $100 into the pot... Whoever drops the most weight (by percentage) in 4 months wins the pot. How much could I possibly gain in 2 days? What's best to eat to fatten up? I know whatever weight I'd put on now I can lose pretty fast...
  3. B

    need to gain!!!

    100% serious about this. The challenge just came about a couple days ago and this Saturday night is the first weigh in. I got 2 days to bulk up as much as I can, What will make me gain the most weight in 2 days? BubberyBlueR1
  4. B

    need to gain!!!

    Hey guys, new here. Starting a challenge in a few days with some friends. Weigh in is this weekend and re-weigh in around the beginning of April. Just wondering how can I gain the most amount of weight in 3 days before weigh in. Then the real challenge begins.:eek: