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  1. S

    Exante - Day one

    Thanks for letting me know about tomatoes!! Damn oh well.could of sworn I was allowed them on lighter life but I'm prob getting confused so will avoid in future. That's the only bad thing I would say about Exante is the what you can eat thing us a bit vague in their literature compared to ll...
  2. S

    Exante - Day one

    Morning all it's day 4 for me and going really well. Keeping hunger at bay I am a veggie so l had quorn pieces last night lightly fried with one cal, soy sauce & onions with leaf salad tomato cucumber and balsamic vinegar also drop of milk in my tea last night and this morning. I am in a healthy...
  3. S

    Exante - Day one

    Urm did I say I wasn't hungry??!!!! Oh how things change!! Treated myself to a new hair do after work as part of the new me and not too happy with it so decided gonna have an egg sale when I get home as a treat for my long day. Feel like I need a taste sensation more than anything. Ordered some...
  4. S

    Exante - Day one

    Thanks girls - Day two and suprisingly not hungry. Sit ups before work too!! Hope this enthusiasm lasts. T x
  5. S

    Exante - Day one

    Good evening all. Well day one under my belt of Exante and feeling positive. I am not hungry but missing tastes. I ordered the 28 day bumper pack and started it today. Having lost a stone in a month last year on lighter life I know it's possible - ut admittidly boring! The way I look at it...