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  1. H

    A public diary to keep me on track!

    B- 2x Alpen Light (Hex B) L- Pasta with marmite stirred in D- Pasta, salmon, daraleigh light (Hex A) and salad Snacks - Pineapple, homemade quorn chilli Have been at uni all day so its a bit of a random selection of food, will try and get some more superfree in this evening as haven't...
  2. H

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    Hi please can I join in this group. Just re-starting now and have WI next Wenesday as have University stuff this week so will miss one! I have a weekend which will involve a lot of alcahol but I think I am going to say I cant drink because unwell or something so I can try and save some syns...
  3. H

    A public diary to keep me on track!

    Hi all, I am newish to slimming world and have been doing ok I have just been going out lots and going over my syns with alcahol. I think if I am going to do it this time I need to be stricter for a while and just focus on staying on plan 100%. I would love it if people could comment of my...