Search results

  1. N

    1st - 31st July Challenge

    Kirsty_baird_26 - 5lbs total : 0lbs down, 5lbs to go! TTfan - 0lbs down, 4lbs to go iwillsoonbeslim - 9lbs total : 0lbs down, 9lbs to go! Peagirl989 - 6lbs total : 0lbs down, 6 to go! LittleSis - 8lbs total : 0lbs down, 8 to go!! Viking82 - 5lbs total : 0lbs down, 5 to go Bumblebum - 7lbs total...
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    5 stone challenge

    Easily the heaviest here.....eugh! Start weight 17st 13lbs Current weight 17st 3lbs Which day is weigh in day?
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    5 stone challenge

    Hello, is it too late to join in? I started my diet last week and I have lost 10lbs. Would my start weight be from my actual start or from todays weight? Thats if you let me join in of course :) Thanks, Laura Currently I am 17.3st
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    The Exercise Challenge - July 2011

    I'm in! I am aiming for 15hrs exercise and a 2nd mini goal to give the Wii another shot. I had better start by plugging it back in and taking the supersize box of biccies of the bookshelf that holds the wii games! Laura
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    NEW: Christmas Challenge!

    CarlyLanky140: 64lb (3.5lbs lost, 61lbs to go) Laurenasha: 39.5lb *GOLD*(+3lb, 42.5lbs to go) Littleromany: 24lb (1lbs lost, 23lbs to go) Karen: 50lb (6lbs lost, 44lbs to go) ErinW: 32lbs (0lbs lost, 32lbs to go) Katie68: 40lb (0lbs lost, 40lbs to go) Jackieb68: 35lb (1.5lbs lost, 33.5lbs to go)...
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    Anyone up for a juicy July challenge?

    Aaliyah27 7lbs (0lbs lost, 7lbs to go) bannishwobble 8lb (olb lost 8lb to go) Beautifulmess 14lb (0lb loss 14lb to go) (even with a holiday!) BikerAngel 7lbs (0lbs lost, 7lbs to go) Cindersmcphee 7lbs (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go) Ffynnon 10lbs (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go) Gemini76 9.5lbs (0 lost...
  7. N

    Hello everyone

    Hi Fatbritwalking, you made some very good points which I will take into consideration. I live in the same building as my Dr and his surgery. He is checking my bloods fortnightly and my urine once a week. He is also checking my blood pressure on a regular basis and he review my daily food log...
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    Hello everyone

    mini kitkats will be my downfall!!!!!!!!!
  9. N

    Hello everyone

    I had my Dr weigh me this morning! Its not my usual weigh in day (normally its Sunday) and I have lost 7lbs.....already!!! Thats enough to keep me going. Guess I owe my little tin 7 euro so far but will wait til proper weigh in day on sunday to cash up! Hope you are having a fab day too! Laura x
  10. N

    Hello everyone

    nexusdieter *steals the fab money tin idea....mwah ha ha!* It is hard to find ways to keep the carbs down without introducing fat. That is where I am struggling to recreate the meal replacements. I figured I will start with a CD daily nutrituion and make daily menus then work from there...
  11. N

    Hello everyone

    How did your weigh in go Venice? I wish we could get the packs here. I am flying solo and trying to mimic the nutritional qualities of the pack but with real food. Perhaps I will post them on the forum when there are quite a few menus. Its certainly testing my math skills :/ I hope weigh in...
  12. N

    NEW: Christmas Challenge!

    Frozen grapes sound like a great idea! Its really warm here at the moment, the kids would probably like them too. Had a tuna wrap for lunch, I had no idea how many calories those wrap things have.....and how much sugar. Could have eaten another 8 or so but settled for half, 140 cals in total. I...
  13. N

    Hello everyone

    I love how positive everyone is on this forum. No wonder people who diet with support do better than those that don't have any. Good luck all of you. How are you feeling today venice? I swam for an hour and felt quite sluggish but I enjoy my time so much that I can't give it up :) Did you manage...
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    NEW: Christmas Challenge!

    I have some newbie questions..... What is the silver 7? Is it for every 7lbs? Also, those of you that have had some success already in weight loss, can you suggest some ways of keeping hunger at bay? I tried drinking more water but it makes my tummy rumble :)
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    Day 1 tummy rumbles :(

    Hi Kely, I am on day 2, I cant get Cambride where I live so I am flying solo. I'm hungry too! My day mostly consists of homemade smoothies which are quite yummy but I can see myself getting fed up with weighing everything. I have a bunch of kids too. Its hard to think that I have to cook for...
  16. N

    Hello everyone

    Hi, I'm new here but hoping for success too. I have lots of weight to lose and I am nervous about failing. I am doing a VLCD but I can't get anything here in Switzerland so I am flying solo. Good luck with your lifestyle change. I hope you see lots of positive changes soon.
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    NEW: Christmas Challenge!

    Hello, I'm brand new here. I'd love to join this challenge please. I want to lose 51lbs by Christmas. Laura