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  1. T

    Is there anyone who can actually stomache those peanut flapjacks?

    Hi Sarah hope your first day has been ok. I think you did a wise thing not getting the flapjacks and soup, I just tried the soup and it's horrid! I can see how people give up. Was very determined this morning. I have great admiration for people who do this long term x Kate
  2. T

    Keytones - Shades of Pink ...

    Hello everyone, how will I know when I am in ketosis?
  3. T

    Is there anyone who can actually stomache those peanut flapjacks?

    Well today is the day, have been thinking about starting this for ages. I have been overweight(some would say obese) for the last 14 years mainly due to laziness and over eating. Its amazing how it creeps on without noticing. I did manage to loose 3 stone on weight watchers but over the last...