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  1. T

    Converted to WW !!!!

    Hi there, my friend is doing the CD and she finds it really difficult not to have a sneaky meal every week, I just think it is brutal not to eat actual food!! Thats why WW is realistic you can save your points for a treat at the weekend or a night out and not feel like a total FAILURE having...
  2. T

    A virigins' guide to WW!

    Hi I have 27 points in a day aswell and some days I feel like there just isnt enough points going around, make free point soup with your free veg and stock, a bovril is free, carrot sticks, ww jelly is point free. WW yoghurts are only 1/2 a point. Or do what I do and once all the points are...
  3. T

    Hello Everybody

    Thats fantastic that you lost all that weight on LL, I thought about that diet and the thought of not eating was so much to bear!! Lol. I have just joined WW last Monday, and its great that its not a strict diet, you just have guidelines to help you....try a frozen Milky Way for when you have a...
  4. T


    I had a baddish week aswell and I felt really crap cause it was my first week and I wanted to be really focused but it was my sons 2nd birthday (cake!!) and fathers day all in the same week, not good!! So nothing on this week going to be totally positive and get it done!
  5. T

    LucyLous diary - soup??

    Hey good luck with your class, let us know how you get on. I just joined last week, wasnt the best week my sons 2nd birthday (cake!!)and fathers day (more cake!! Hehe) all in one week, just went to the gym more and lost 2 1/2 pounds. If you comfort eat, buy some weight watchers yoghurts their...
  6. T


    Thanks for all the advice guys, I did use all my points last week so this week I am not going to use the points I have earned going to the gym and see if that makes a difference. FEEL LIKE I HAVENT STOPPED EATING SINCE I JOINED LAST WEEK!! I never used to have breakfast before, could go to...
  7. T

    Starting Weight Watchers soon!

    Hi I am just a newbee aswell, I joined last week and lost 2 1/2 at my first weigh in yesterday! If you are on a budget check out ebay for the calculator and shopping guide books you will probably get them on there, either that or ask about, maybe one of your friends might have went to WW and...
  8. T


    Thanks for that, its really difficult to know what to do, its the same with points in general, there was a woman at the back of me at my weigh in who doesnt use all her points every day. Do you? She says that you will just lose more but then why give you a set amount then???:confused: I am...
  9. T


    Hi my name is Toni, I'm 24 and joined Weight Watchers last Monday, have tried every fad diet to lose weight quick from lose 18lbs in 4 days:eek:, Jason Vales 21 day detox:confused: and none have worked so I am hoping that this is the one for me, and all the success stories I am reading are such...
  10. T

    WW Weigh In Days

    Hi just joined Weight Watchers on Monday. Cant believe all the success stories I am reading on here....well done!!