food optimising

  1. itsemgeee

    slug and lettuce

    Hi, after checking what I think is the whole internet I can't find anything so does anyone know the syn values for anything at the slug and lettuce , thanks in advance
  2. M

    New Slimming Worlder with PCOS

    Hiya Back on the bandwagon after gaining 2.5 stone since my wedding a year and a half ago. 3.5 stone to target, with PCOS. Hoping to turn things around in the next 12 weeks. 6 weeks to my holiday to New York. Let's do this! Thanks for having me, Jan x
  3. __lrose

    Extra Easy Scared to weigh myself!

    Hey! Really new here and I'm really after some help! I've been at slimming world for two and a half weeks now - loving it and really finding it easy to stick to - but I haven't weighed yet apart from the first day. I've stuck to plan 100% and also ran three/four times a week (couch to 5k) and...