

Full Member
Hi everyone
Feeling very lonely and down at the moment and i know it all comes on when i do not succeed with my weight loss. Dont mean to come on here and moan when im down but i dont have anywhere else to turn. I just cannot stick to this diet at the moment , the only thing i seem to get 2 mins of pleasure is when im eating and of course afterwards i feel even more dreadful. It became the lowest when the other day i'm ashamed to admit i made myself sick after eating. How have i come to this, i was so happy when i was loosing weight but i cant get back on track. Am i just feeling sorry for myself..... everyday i think sort yourself out girl X
I lost my mom who was my complete strength and miss her words of wisdom she would have sorted me out XX thanks for listening and heres to better days
dont fel down, we all have our days but we are all here to keep you strong. if you have lost weight before you should feel proud and talk to us (or moan if you wish) about your problems. i feel down all the time but talking to people who are in the same boat really helps. the last thing you want to do is make yourself sick after eating or youwill feel worse in the long run tired, depressed and worst ofall yourhealth will be at terrible risk. hope this helped just give us a shout if you need to talk x x
Bless you, you can come on here anytime and moan or celebrate, you know that we will all support you. Have you tried on one of the other plans 790 or 1200??? That might get you back into the swing without putting too much stress on you???

Hope you are OK.. and just shout if you need a shoulder...

hi,dol7247, You've done really well so far and already lost 38lb so give your self a huge pat on the back for that first.You've said that you feel get down when you dont succeed with your weight loss, well in my book 38lb is a great success. The thing that really jumps out on Your post is how lonely you feel at the moment and how much you miss your mum,When I lost my dad who was my best friend and always gave me a kick up the bum,and good advice I felt really lonely and TBH had some counselling which really helped. Icouldnt have dieted to save my life then so youve done so well. Now I think how proud he would be of me,I still miss him everyday but things do get better. I'm sorry if I've got a bit personal but something about your post really touched a chord with me,take care and you know theres always someone on minimins to moan at or chat to.

Nikki x
Hi, from what i can see you seem to be succeeding in your weight loss. Dont feel bad about moaning, Minimins is like a large family and if you cant moan (and celebrate and laugh) with your family, then who can you moan with? Dont be too hard on yourself, we are all human and will fall occasionally.

minis is alllll about moaning and celebrating and getting it all out there! anyways...u aint moaning...u r reaching out and thats what we r all here for. would be an extremely empty forum if none of us needed support, help and encouragement. arent we all reaching out??

you've done incredibly well so far and have nothing to feel bad about diet-wise. hark at ur ticker!!! u have done fab!
dont do urself down, u have achieved what some can never do.

i think maybe talking to someone properly about losing ur mum is a good idea. to lose anyone is horrendous and it being a parent is even worse emotionally. my mum is a completely mad pain in the rectum but i would be devestated if anything happened to her so can only guess at how that must be affecting you.

Im sorry u r feeling low and hope u r able to draw strength from whichever source helps u. at the end of the day...we r all here for you too.

You are over half way through your weight loss journey. And many of us know how hard it is and therefore how well you are doing, because not only are you dieting .. but still coming to terms with losing your mum.
I think Karen is right - maybe you should think about going to talk to a professional bereavement counsellor - if you see your Doctor they can put you in touch.

Come on here and post as often as you want ... good news and bad - you'll always get advice, motivation, empathy etc ..... Take care.
((((((((((dol7247))))))))) please don't beat yourself up, you've done so well with your weight loss.

We all have low times, especially when we lose someone very close to us. Karen is right sometimes it really helps to talk it through with someone.

Great advice from poohbear about trying once of the other plans like 790 or 1000. Could be just the kick start you need.
If you cant post on here when you feel lonely and down where else can you go. I know that I and loads of others would be stuck without coming on here when things get bad. Feel free anytime.

Sorry to hear about your mum, maybe this isnt the time to do SS, like others have said maybe to 790 or 1000 at the

You have done so well, well done for how much youve already lost.
not a problem we are all here for you x x x