cathedral city cheese

we tried a ww one and it was horrible, cathedral is definitly the nicest
i can't recommend this cheese enough! lol

it's proper cheesy! and it melts like normal cheese and everything. my cheese tip is to grate your cheese finely and you get a huge pile of it!

hahaha this is weird but i cant grate stuff, i jsut hate doing it soo much hat i would rather have big chunks and jsut break it with my fingers. im just scared ill chop the end of my fingers off lol
Will add this to my next shopping list although I've developed a taste for really strong cheddar...

the red packet reduced fat cathedral city has quite a strong taste.
Oh my god - I love you guys - I spend all day every day working on this brand........... it's great to hear some feedback!! I'm going to print this thread off and take it to work on Monday to show the rest of the team xxx