Collars on kitties

lol..!! kitty.. thats brill.. we put a pink collar on othello even though hes a boy and he just looked mint.. this massive big black cat, with a teenie cute pink collar on..
You should take pics..!! lol

x x
It's like this with only one flower on it :D
My first cat just would not keep a collar on either. We thought that maybe we hadn't put it on tight enough because he kept getting out of it. However, when we tried tightening it a little we found him with one leg and his jaw stuck in it trying to get out, so we gave up and haven't bothered with collars on our two others either.

They are chipped and if they catch any wildlife so be it, that's what cats do!!! Its not pleasant and if we can wrestle an unhurt mouse/vole/bird/frog/toad away from her we rescue them!

Carol x
I had switched to the type that click apart with a plastic catch because they are neat and there's no "flappy bit", however all 3 of my cats come home at least once a week without them. It was costing us a fortune.
So I've reverted to the type like a belt. Need to make sure they have a proper little buckle with a spike and a loop to thread the flappy bit through, otherwise they get dragged in food,milk, water , puddles etc. They have elastic, so can still come off if they get stuck. This type lasts much longer with my 2 who go out and climb trees, walls, garage roofs etc. My little one Mayfair is much more an indoor girl so she's still wearing the other type.
if they catch any wildlife so be it, that's what cats do!!!

My three-legged cat used to proudly present us with various 'kills'.

Crisp packets, cigarette cartons and on one notable occasion, a 1985 newsletter from a badge collector's club. (It was 2003)

Bless him, he was so proud.
we used to have a cat that brought alsorts of wierd things home, bread, a birds nest, tandoori chicken, but i think his best was a birds egg, carried in his mouth over a 6ft fence without breaking it.

I also had another cat that used to bring things down from the bathroom, the sponge and tampons were his favourite
I had a kitten called Splodger who used to take the bar of soap from the bathroom under the armchair in the sitting room and guard it from any predators by growling if you tired to go near. She did the same with prawn crackers if we had a take-away too!
cats are mad. Unfortunatly I have ost both of my elderly cats to old age withing the last 6 months :( when they were younger they always had collars on, it never stopped them hunting. Bandit famously brought home rabbit one day ( we live rurally, it was wild not a pet). We are in the middle of househunting but once we move and are settled it will e straight down to the cats protection to addopt a new kitty or kitties.