Well well well, what can I say... Pete, you floozy!
Honestly, they are like buses at the moment, huh? Brilliant! Keep digging through and you'll uncover your diamond soon enough.
I hate it when people use photos that look nothing like themselves. I mean, to have 'a' posey pic is fine, but you need a good 3/4 that are normal too, otherwise god knows what you are getting into!
Over the years I've met about 12 guys off the internet, and a few of them worked out, but it can be a long old trawl trying to sift through who's a prat and who's not!!
Anyway - after being all over the shop over the last few months, and having varying degrees of illicit (sounds filthy, but can't think of the word!) encounters with a few different guys - I set up this thread and as if by magic *POOF* it looks like I am off the scrap heap!
As many of you will remember, I was kind of seeing a guy (my OH-type-person, as he became known), but he was a total plonker and was really distant, non-tactile etc, and I spent the vast majority of our time together feeling like a bit of a plum. When I'd question him (we'd been friends for years) he'd assure me it wasn't anything to do with 'us', he just had a lot on his mind....
With the help of a few of you on here (you know who you are!), I came to realise I deserve SO much more than that... I wanted to - in time - be adored, lusted after, the centre of someone's universe; and I wasn't prepared to adopt such a lack of self respect by hanging around with my now ex-OH-type-person. So - there I was, single again...
Then, literally a week or so later (10 days ago-ish) I was in a bar in town for my friends birthday and this guy that I've liked for a while was there. We'd had a date at the beginning of the summer, but he was producing a film and was very stressed out and blew me off. I had similar "well, fine, if he doesn't want me, that's HIS loss" thoughs, but then last week he pulled me to one side in front of ALL our mutual friends and told me he was a total idiot, had been thinking about things alot and "if I could cope with going out with an unemployed film producer/chef/recruitment consultant", he'd be honoured to do things properly - then kissed me.
It was like something out of a film - my friends were all gobsmacked (as was I!) and that's that. I went to his flat twice last week and last night he 'stayed over' for the first time - I made some quip about it being our fourth 'official' date (despite knowing each other for a long time) and he was like 'dating, shmating - you're my girlfriend, and you better get used to it'!!
According to friends, he's been flashing my photo around, telling everyone all about me, wanting to see me all the time... it's all a bit sickening I'm sure.
It's very early days, so who knows what the future holds - but for now, I am one happy girlie
Weird things too... for those of you that have an opinion on superstitions/coincidences...
1) 10th December is BOTH of our birthdays
2) We were both recruitment consultants that managed bands part time - and our paths never crossed!
3) Our dad's died in the same year
4) We have matching moles on our cheeks (literally, exactly the same)
... dammit, I've gone blank... literally every time we get talking we're like "STOP IT! That's the same for me!"
Anyway - Bekimo.... embrace your New Years blind date, could be a giggle, even if you don't find the guy attractive - I've met some fab friends through my mates' meddling!
Roundrachel - your 'first' date sounded lovely. You're absolutely right - when my OH (and a real one!) says he fancies me, it feels genuine. My last proper ex was the same, but I didn't believe it... the body confidence I am starting to get is soaring.
Andy - that webcam incident sounds rank - I'd like to think that she wouldn't have done that, but I'm sure you wouldn't say that unless you were sure. What a greb!! Haha. Good luck on the rest of your search, and feel free to link me your profile (I'm on pretty much all of them, so no need to worry) for some tips, although I'm sure it's fine.
Right then - this was a pretty long post after all that. Spot the loved up one
Right - ought to do some work.
A xx