Diet pills? Proceed with caution or a God send?

Cheers hun,

lets see if it makes a difference....;)
Hi Tanny

I hope you do just as well, if not better from stopping the cant have been nice with the side effects, i think you are a trooper for giving them a go. They sound very harsh!!!!

Rooting for you!

I think because SW works so well, the tablets are for people who are not following a plan, to try to encourage them to choose the low fat options so the side effects are not as horrific!!! whereas on SW you learn what foods are healthy without the side effect nasties!!!

ellebear yeah i agree with you ive not taken them since monday and i feel so much better already,i have a feeling(not being disgusting)they were bunging e up lol

i hope i have a good weight on lose on tuesday!

thanx for your support !!
im sure you will sweetie - without the chemical inside you its no wonder you feel better!!!

best of luck in your slimming plans! xxx