Flutter's Diary

How exciting!! Looking forward to hearing the news. x
Oh Susie - I did something similar many moons ago - also alcohol-related. So so embarrassing to wake up to the next morning. :eek:

Flutter, hope your friend has a lovely easy time to make up for last time. :)
Ah yes the fortune telling features of wine - not so long ago I remember having a few gallons and then being absolutely sure that the boyfriend I left behind in NZ was really Mr Right - and then ringing to tell him so....:eek:

LOL Lady Susie the dangers of alcohol!

How exciting!! Looking forward to hearing the news. x

Oh Susie - I did something similar many moons ago - also alcohol-related. So so embarrassing to wake up to the next morning. :eek:

Flutter, hope your friend has a lovely easy time to make up for last time. :)

Good morning hun x

Morning Ladies what a lovely welcome :).
Well my friend had a 9 hour labour (ouch!) but no complications and had another boy just before midnight last night :D. Hopefully I'll get to visit them soon just hope I don't get too broody ;)
Ah am full of munchies again ..... have decided to not be too hard on myself and start clean and green again on Monday in preparation for Christmas! I better be at target by then :sigh:

B - sausage, rasher bacon, egg, mushies
L - salad, avocado, ham, cucumber, half tomato, mayo
D - steak, salad, beetroot and some of DH's bhuna curry sauce .....
Morning All .......
Am a bit unhappy with myself as had a "day off" yesterday ie decided I really wanted some of the victoria sponge at dobbies and then some chicken and chips for tea :cry: but it was my decision so I have to get over it :rolleyes:.

Anyways back to it today crikey not long til I need to be 10 stone :eek::eek:

B - nothing
L - salad and something (whatever mum's got in her fridge:rolleyes:), cherry toms, cucumber, ham, cheese (wasn't much in the fridge!)
D - savoury pork mince
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morning Hon. Come on ill give you a bum kicking if you are naughty again!!!!! xxxxx when do you go back?
Morning Jim :)
Morning Vicky - thanks love I thought hey I'm doing ok I can eat this conveniently forgetting the reason I'm doing ok is because I'm not eating that sort of stuff!!
Bum kick all you like ;)
Countdown is on - back to work 4th Jan xx
Ok. you have only 5lbs to go though?
Morning Flutter

Don't worry about it hon, we all have lapses and you are so close to goal, it must be very tempting...:)

How about a big cuddle instead of a bum kick? :)))))))
Hi Lesley! You'll do fine... get back on the horse!

You and I are the same right now - same weight, same goal! I'm not putting any pressure on myself with a date, but that might be holding me back a bit. I'm not working towards anything in particular, like before I was pushing towards losing weight for my holiday, and while I'm staying the course, I'm not being super-picky about drinking enough water and watching every carb. I'm just holding my own (and taking delight with losses and showing my inlaws you can actually lose weight!)

I'm sure your workmates will be blown away. Still, they may be afraid to say anything... etiquette says we should never comment on someone's weight, be it up or down. I'd hate for you to walk in and have no one say anything. A neighbour of mine asked me yesterday (while I helped shovel her out of her snowy drive) if I was okay... she'd noticed I looked a lot smaller and she was worried I might be sick or something, but didn't want to say in case I was. Just prepare yourself :)