Here we go again

April 2011 I joined Slimming World. It took me 5 months to lose 10 lbs. I quit, can't remember why. A couple of months ago I joined the gym. I'd have weeks where I'd go 3 or 4 times that week, and then wouldn't go for the next 3. No consistency at all. I stopped after a week when I felt ill.

In February 2013 I went on holiday with my sister. I hated my photos so much I made her take them all down from Facebook (I'm not crazy about having my photo on the web in general). On Friday my photo was taken again. I was so embarrassed, disappointed and angry with myself. I look just as terrible as I did in February. So I've vowed to join Slimming World again and this time I'm going to do it along with the gym. On the plus side, I only put on a couple of pounds since I left SW and seem to maintain around the same weight.

Thanks for reading my long-winded confession! Onwards and upwards.
Welcome back to minimins, good luck on your weight loss journey, stay positive x
Hi, welcome to Minimins :)

I'm the same as you, hate when I see I've been tagged in a pic on FB, brings me out in a cold sweat lol!

Good luck with SW, you can do it
Haha exactly the same with Facebook that mild heart attack when I get a notification that I've been tagged and I have no way of getting to a laptop to untag! The good news is it gets better, I'm 10kgs/22lbs down ( I still have a good 20kgs to go), but people have noticed the change already AND I let a photo or two stay tagged on Facebook :)) it gets better !