

Feeling Motivated
Hello Everyone,

I've been on minimins for a while and was over on the Cambridge Forum. I have switched to exante due to Money constraints and the fact that I didn't feel any benefits of going to see a counsellor each week. So have gone for the easier option!

I am back up at nearly 12 stone due to a few months of excessive partying and am ready to jump back on the bandwagon now that I have quite a chilled summer in front of me. I need to lose at least 1.5 stone so know I am going to be here for at least a month!

So just checking in to say Hi!. Its day 2 for me so far, just need to get through the painful first week and I will be fine :)

Hi Lauren

Well done on your weight loss so far, that's great! I'm sure you will do well with Exante, you seem determined and you know you can do it so keep up the good work!