LeaE JellyWobble2

Hi lea! Good to see you back! Chin up - life gets better from here. You've done this before - you know you can do it again

I don't post so much now - I gave some advice to someone recently who couldn't handle what I said - and now I'm too worried that I'm going to cause folk to have some sort of mental breakdown so I just have the odd lurk : ) safer that way!

I'm still around though and still maintaining - but it's hard, have to say.

Are you going to SS again?
Lea so lovely to see you back but so so sorry to hear you've had such a horrid time recently :(
Think there's quite a few people still around from when you were last here, myself included and we have all missed you. Be nice to see you cracking those lbs and back feeling fabulous, i would say looking but i'd imagine you look fantastic regardless of those lbs :) xx Good luck on first 3 days hun then you'll be back in swing
Hi lea! Good to see you back! Chin up - life gets better from here. You've done this before - you know you can do it again

I don't post so much now - I gave some advice to someone recently who couldn't handle what I said - and now I'm too worried that I'm going to cause folk to have some sort of mental breakdown so I just have the odd lurk : ) safer that way!

I'm still around though and still maintaining - but it's hard, have to say.

Are you going to SS again?

Eerrhhhh sod that you post away in mine I could probable do with someone to kick me up the ass anyway x how are u hunny nice to hear yr maintaining well x
Lea so lovely to see you back but so so sorry to hear you've had such a horrid time recently :(
Think there's quite a few people still around from when you were last here, myself included and we have all missed you. Be nice to see you cracking those lbs and back feeling fabulous, i would say looking but i'd imagine you look fantastic regardless of those lbs :) xx Good luck on first 3 days hun then you'll be back in swing

I can't tell you how nice it is to see the familiar ppl but sad some ppl aren't here x I'm ok just had my heart broken for the 1st time in my life and its prob a mixture of anger he didn't love me back but realisation I took it for granted but its all a learning curve x how are u
Well day one and I'm ok x on nights so will be busy and I'm surrounded by ppl so I can't cheat x I'm still feeling anxious about the split but just resigning myself to oh well !!!!!!
Just had mushroom soup and black tea saving a hot chocolate for later ! Roll on ketosis
Well day 2

I'm at work again and feeling ok x I had a spicy chillie for tea then just had a mushroom soup so that's 2 products today and loads of tea and coffee x I'm obviously not feeling better in terms of my body but I do feel better as I feel like I have gained a bit of control again x like I have posted since I was ill with gallstones I felt like my body dictated what I ate and when then with my grandad as well I didn't control what I was eating as I just ate what I could when I fitted it in and then I just lost hope and ate loads of crap just because I gave up ! I have only been ssing since since Sunday and now it's just Tuesday morning but I can honestly say I'm loving having this aim and this structure and this order ! I can't say I'm hungry either probably due to sadness but in a way that's good because something negative has now been used to accomplish something positive x a lady at work is also ssing but she cheated last week and had been on it the week before so makes me scared a bit I would cheat however I'm happy at the moment at how I have slipped back into it without much thought or planning
I'm on nights and its my last one until nxt Sunday now I have finished college I have the night off tomorrow so I'm taking the kids swimming and rock climbing x they go every Tuesday but I have had to miss it due to college but now I get to see my babies in action x I can't wait x a friend is coming tomoz who I have known since school and initially I was excited about it but he said in a round a bout way he is 'interested' in me which has made me feel a little bit awkward now but oh well will see how it goes x anyways I have a choc orange shake for later so might make a hot choc with it x whoooo my life's so exciting
Well day 2

I'm at work again and feeling ok x I had a spicy chillie for tea then just had a mushroom soup so that's 2 products today and loads of tea and coffee x I'm obviously not feeling better in terms of my body but I do feel better as I feel like I have gained a bit of control again x like I have posted since I was ill with gallstones I felt like my body dictated what I ate and when then with my grandad as well I didn't control what I was eating as I just ate what I could when I fitted it in and then I just lost hope and ate loads of crap just because I gave up ! I have only been ssing since since Sunday and now it's just Tuesday morning but I can honestly say I'm loving having this aim and this structure and this order ! I can't say I'm hungry either probably due to sadness but in a way that's good because something negative has now been used to accomplish something positive x a lady at work is also ssing but she cheated last week and had been on it the week before so makes me scared a bit I would cheat however I'm happy at the moment at how I have slipped back into it without much thought or planning
I'm on nights and its my last one until nxt Sunday now I have finished college I have the night off tomorrow so I'm taking the kids swimming and rock climbing x they go every Tuesday but I have had to miss it due to college but now I get to see my babies in action x I can't wait x a friend is coming tomoz who I have known since school and initially I was excited about it but he said in a round a bout way he is 'interested' in me which has made me feel a little bit awkward now but oh well will see how it goes x anyways I have a choc orange shake for later so might make a hot choc with it x whoooo my life's so exciting

Aahhhhh I don't know why but I just tested my wee and no ketosis I now remember just how obsessed you get on this diet !!!
Day 3 !!!! Ah poo this and tomoz are the hardest days ! Dear god give me strength spesh after the emails last night Amen !
Well been on nights and I now can't sleep as I constant need the loo ! I am now up and need to drink water as my tongue feels dry no matter what I drink mmmmm so that is now going to mean more loo trips which in turn will result in no sleep ! Fab
Well this day 3 wasn't so hard as I have now officially slept most of it lol I have cancelled my guest tonight as I just need the space x taking the kids after school to the climb a wall and Tia to swim then home then bed !
Well considering no one writes on my diary I feel I have free run to moan as much as I want as its only me here and I like the outlet of emotions
I spoke to the ex and he emailed all I want u back blah blah I said we could talk and the ........ Nothing
I feel he's screwing with my emotions and now I'm angry soooooo avoiding the fridge
Plus my mum failed her cd diet
Pants day
Just felt like eating some chocolate with a cup of coffee that has milk in it ! But I didn't I made slim and ace cottage pie and a big glass of water and now I'm full and happy I didn't give in ! I'm in a real battle with my emotions at the moment so this diet is a little harder than last time although deep inside hidden under all the anxiety and upset is my determination that when I sit and search I find it ! It's hidden next to my rational part which I have just had to dig out ! What a numpty my ex is though ! Wish I could just shut him off from my life and never think of him again but he is seriously upsetting me right now ! I'm thinking I need to just wait and hope I get that feeling of closure sometime soon
All in all I think today has been a little test of strength and I probably should be happy that even in the middle of all these emotions and everything that I'm at least pulling through it x
I'm a little fed up of stuff being so negative in my life and I know I am the only one who can turn it positive so maybe I should start searching for that focus that's hidden at the moment maybe I will find it soon x
You're doing something very positive in taking control of your weight again. You did it before, you can do it again.

Stop interacting with twat boy. He's not good for your self esteem at the moment. Treat him like you would a plaster - rip it off quickly for the minimum pain as opposed to slowly peeling it and prolonging the agony. Step away from the text tennis and emails- unless it's to send one saying ' welcome to Dumpsville - Population- you ' that is ....

Focus on the diet and remember how quickly it worked for you last time. You were dropping a stone a month if not more. Just think .... You could easily be 13 stone ish at Christmas if you stick with it.

And I'm reading your diary : )
Hey hunni

Sorry I have been quiet not had the best couple of days. But I'm really glad u r back and able to get out your thoughts and feelings out here.

This diet def brings out a tremendous range of emotions anyway even if we haven't had other crap going on to deal with.

Your doing so well though and can't wait to hear about your week 1 loss! When is weigh day? Xx
You're doing something very positive in taking control of your weight again. You did it before, you can do it again.

Stop interacting with twat boy. He's not good for your self esteem at the moment. Treat him like you would a plaster - rip it off quickly for the minimum pain as opposed to slowly peeling it and prolonging the agony. Step away from the text tennis and emails- unless it's to send one saying ' welcome to Dumpsville - Population- you ' that is ....

Focus on the diet and remember how quickly it worked for you last time. You were dropping a stone a month if not more. Just think .... You could easily be 13 stone ish at Christmas if you stick with it.

And I'm reading your diary : )

Omg I love u x made me smile and 'get a grip' all in one there x I have been so good in terms of not responding but I did cave in but yeah yr right as per usual x oh I'm a right melon !!!!!
How are u anyway
Hey hunni

Sorry I have been quiet not had the best couple of days. But I'm really glad u r back and able to get out your thoughts and feelings out here.

This diet def brings out a tremendous range of emotions anyway even if we haven't had other crap going on to deal with.

Your doing so well though and can't wait to hear about your week 1 loss! When is weigh day? Xx

Ah well that's the thing I'm doing it at home now with old packs and mixing slim and save so not weighing in with anyone just me hence being on here ! It's Sunday morning as before
I keep it to Sundays as its like my Monday if that makes sense ( my first shift back at work )
How are u x
Well took Tia swimming she's really good at it so v v proud as she's at the same level as ppl quite a bit older than her ! And lillie climbing she did fab got right to the top and its bloody high! So proud mummy has taken over rather than self pitty mummy crap !
On a bad note I feel sick as a parrot maybe due to stress so only had the cottage pie thing today and one product a days not good so will try later to have a hot chocolate but right now I feel I would bring it back up
Lots of water though as my tongue feels like its made of sand paper right now !!
Big sigh
I have rang a grievance councillor place today and was thinking I might try it x counselling has never appealed to me as I'm pretty untouched with my feelings and can usually process them myself but this for some reason isn't quite working for me ! So I though better try it as I can't carry on like this and I don't even know if my feelings are due to my grandad or my ex ! V confused.com
So tv and water for me tonight so rock and roll oh but an early night too because I need to get back into a good routine plus sleep helps on this diet I think x
I'm dying to be in ketosis so think I will wee dip again tomoz as that's a first goal for me and seeing that pink square somehow comforts me x
Ah well that's the thing I'm doing it at home now with old packs and mixing slim and save so not weighing in with anyone just me hence being on here ! It's Sunday morning as before
I keep it to Sundays as its like my Monday if that makes sense ( my first shift back at work )
How are u x

So r u slim and save now then? Or will you see a CDC and get packs eventually. I liked slim and save its much cheaper but I really like the choc tetras yummy and handy for My lifestyle.

I'm not doing very well ATM but ill reign it in!
So r u slim and save now then? Or will you see a CDC and get packs eventually. I liked slim and save its much cheaper but I really like the choc tetras yummy and handy for My lifestyle.

I'm not doing very well ATM but ill reign it in!

I'm doing both to be honest 3 packs a day some cd some sands x
Hey your not allowed to be naughty u have to be good to keep me in line x
I'm doing both to be honest 3 packs a day some cd some sands x
Hey your not allowed to be naughty u have to be good to keep me in line x

Haha I know I can't! I have a bridesmaid dress deadline too :)