Mayan Prophecies 2012


Eloquent hooligan
Watching a brilliant prog on History channel about the Mayans & the prophecy they had for 21 Dec (Winter solstice) of 2012... apparently they figured out thousands of years ago that this date aligns with alignment of our solar system with the centre of the Milky Way bringing major changes & heralding a new cycle...

Mayan prophecy - 2012

I love **** like this :D Esoteric & spiritual stuff rocks my world :)
Oooo, just in time for my birthday! Ah the pleasure of being a solstice baby! I will be 35 that year- uh oh, I really shouldn't have thought about that as 30 hasn't quite sunken in yet!
I will be 34 and am also a solstice baby ! so at least i will get to partaayyyyyy and im just starting to think about 30 because its only 15 weeks away! uh oh ! Maybe i should follow a different calendar and i would stay younger for ages, i know they only had the millenium in ethiopia a couple of years ago because they are about 6 years behind i could be 24 again! :)