New here


New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm new here and joined slimming world for the first time last night.

I'm a mature student at university and I've managed to loose 4 stone on my own since starting Uni in September, however, I feel I need motivation to loose the remaining six to get me to my 10 stone target so I've joined slimming world.

The group were really nice I went to last night and thanks to this website I knew what to expect and already have my head around the diet plan. I noticed that a lot of the stuff I eat already are free on this diet, it was really just sauces, butter, mayo or seasoning that were costing syns.. Oh yeah and my cheese, bread and Crisps.. I'm deffinetly a sandwich and Crisps girl at heart.

But I'm determined to get this other 6 stone off by next year if I can so here's to a new start at slimming world.