Please HELP!!!

Mags you need to do a new thread to refresh peoples memories that were not around , saying keep voting :)

Where should i put the thread for most views??? Mini..where dya think??

thank you for all the votes....i so appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!
Ive just voted:happy036:
Just voted, they are in second place with 16%, the leader is on 17% vote MORE people!!!!

When is the finish date?
Hello everyone!! More thanks for voting!!!!
they're still in 3rd place..only about 30 votes to go till second!!!!!

Contest closes march 21st :) keep voting everyday!!!!muliple computers-multiple votes...
Go to Jump forum , go down to chit chat and do new thread , reminding people , just copy and paste your old one and do it as a new thread . so others can see it there today
Since this one is already in Chit Chat it might be worth Mags just changing the title of it, duplicate threads can be counter productive and end up getting merged/removed. Mind you if we keep adding to it it bumps it up and it appears in New Posts so its getting seen

In 2nd place now!!!! :)
Ok well just keep bumping it up!!!yesssssssssssssss 2nd place we gotta get first!!!!thank you all so much!!!!
we have a lot of members on minimins.. if we all just did it once.. then it would be great..
x x
All voted for, still in second but Ill do it again tomorrow x
Thanks again to everyone for voting..its so very much appreciated!!!!!!

Kitteh..yup....yr right lol if everyone voted just once we'd well be in 1st place!!!LOL
I hope everyone does do it.. change your name to "please help".. and i get you people would look then.. lol.

x x x mean change the name of the post????yah people prolly see vote and decide feck off LOL ...i dont think i can ...can i?