Reaching Target in 2020


Gold Member
Day 1 - Tuesday 24th April 2018

Starting weight - 223 lbs (15 st 13 lbs)

B - corn flakes & milk
L/D - Lamb ragu, vegetables, potato
S - frozen cherries, pkt pea snack
Fluid - 2 black tea
Exercise - 9.5 km (500 cals) exercise bike, lots of DIY


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Day 2 - Wednesday 25th April 2018

B - Frittata ( onion, mushroom, bacon, 1tbs oil, Eggs), black tea, grapes, 1/2 tbs ketchup
D - Salmon, potato, salad ( Tom, cue, carrot, rocket, radish, lettuce), youghrt & tarragon dressing with 1tsp mayo
S - Orange, lentil curls, 2 ginger biscuits
Fluid - 1L water, large black coffee, 2 large black tea
Exercise - 6100 steps


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Day 3- Thursday 26th April 2018

B - Orange, blueberries, boiled eggs, large black tea
L - Chicken salad ( lettuce, rocket, tom, 4 olives, radish), tarragon infused yoghurt dressing, 1 tsp mayo
D - Chicken stir fry with rice (broccoli, asparagus, mushroom, carrot, chili, 1 tbs oil),
S - Mango, lentil curls, strawberries
Fluid - 1 L water, large black tea
Exercise - 6500 steps


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Day 4 - Friday 27th April 2018

B - Mushroom on toast - 2 slices wM bread, mushrooms, 1tbs oil, salt & pepper, blueberries, strawberries, large black tea
L - Apple, carrot, radish, rocket, olives (5) salad with tarragon & lemon infused dressing, black tea
D - Chicken & bacon ( onion, mushroom, chili, low fat youghrt) casserole with vegetables (broccoli, asparagus)
S - Banana, orange, apple, strawberries
Fluid - 1.5 L water, 3 large black tea
Exercise - 2100 steps


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Day 5 - Saturday 28th April 2018

B - Bacon & mushroom sandwich ( WM toast + 1tbs sauce), strawberries, banana, blueberries, large black tea
L - Apple, carrot, radish, rocket, olive (4) coleslaw with tarragon infused dressing
D - Baked beans casserole with chili, chicken & tarragon sandwich WM bread), olives (4)
S - Strawberries, banana, lentil curls
Fluid - 1L water
Exercise -


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Day 7 - Monday 30th April 2018

B - Bacon sandwich (WM toast), bluberries, large black tea
L - Homemade kebab, baked potato, large sals ( lettuce, tom, rocket, radish, tarragon), 1tbs salad sauce, 1tbs oil
S - Melon, pkt crisps, 1 mini choc
D - Meatballs with herbs, 3 prunes
Fluid - 1/2 L water, 2 large black tea
Exercise - 6500 steps


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Day 9 - Wednesday 2nd May 2018

B/L - Leftover meatball dinner ( flat bread, 3 chips), salad (lettuce, tom, radish, tarragon), tsp salad dressing
S - Melon, lentil curls
D - salad ( leaves, tom, peppers), tbs salad dressing., wafer thin chicken, WM bread, piece of corn bread
Fluid - 1/2L diet coke, 1/2 L water
Exercise - 9000 steps


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Day 10 - Thursday 3rd May 2018

B - corn bread with chicken slices, melon, blueberries
L - Bread & butter, 3 doughnuts) - bad move but back on it now
S - Melon, apple
D - spanish omlette ( onion, pepper, tomato, potato, cheese), 1 tbs oil, salad leaves, radish, 1tbs salad sauce
Fluid - 4 black tea
Exercise - 7000 steps


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Day 11 - Friday 4th May 2018

Scales broken so can't weigh myself

B - Banana, orange
L - spag bol ( mince, onion, ginger, tom), pasta, stuffed mini peppers with cheese, salad ( leaves, tom, radish)
S - Orang, apple
D - Bacon, eggs, baked beans, leftover stuffed peppers, bread, orange - all my dinner was in an orange shade haha
Fluid - hardly any
Exercise - 7000 steps + lots of gardening


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Looks like you're doing great and your food looks amazing! Good luck hun xx
Day 12 - Saturday 5th May 2018

B - Boiled eggs, corn bread, orange, apple, black tea
L - Jacket potato, tuna, salad ( leaves, tom, radish), 1tbs salad dressing
D - Beef & veg curry with rice, salad ( leaves, tom radish, pickle veg)
S - Apricots, banana, lentil curls, fruit youghrt
Fluid - 1 L water, black tea
Exercise - 7000 steps, gardening


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Day 14 - Monday 7th May 2018

B/L - WM bread, cheese, ham, tuna, orange, banana
D - chinese stirfry ( chicken, mushroom, garlic, ginger, carrot aparagus, samphire, soy sauce, tsp chili sauce)
S - Apple, banana, orange
Fluid - 2 L water
Exercise - Lots of gardening and going up/down stairs, 3000 steps


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Day 15 - Tuesday 8th May 2018

B - Toast, cheese, strawberries
L - frozen fruits topped withff youghrt & banana
D - Chicken italiano ( onion, garlic, sundried tomatoes) with potatoes and salad (leaves, tom, radish , 1tbs salad sauce)
S - Apple, small slice of brioche, pkt twinees
Fluid - 1 L water, 3 black tea
Exercise - gardening and lots of house work


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Day 16 - Wednesday 9th May 2018

B - Ham & cheese on toast, strawberries,
S - Oranges, banana
L - Chicken & sweetcorn soup
D - Chicken italiano ( onion, garlic, sundried tomato, mushroom, samphire, asparagus), potatoes, salad ( lettuce, spinach, tom, radish, 1tbs salad sauce)
Fluid - 2 L water
Exercise - lots of gardening


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Day 17 - Thursday 10th May 2018

Start weight - 223 lbs (15s 13 lbs)
Current weight - 220 lbs (15s 10lbs)
Loss to date = 3lbs

B - Bacon, baked beans with cheese, toast, orange, pear, black tea
L - Chicken & sweetcorn soup
D - Burger in a potato bun ( sliced a potato, cooked in activfry & used as a bun), chips, large salad (leaves, tom, radish, picked veg ( cabbage, carrot, gherkins, chili), 1tbs salad sauce)
S - frozen fruit topped with ff youghrt & 3tsp cherry jam, pkt twinees, madeline. Cake
Fluid - 1 L water, 3 black tea
Exercise - Gardening, 1/2 mile walk


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Day 18 - Friday 11th May 2018

B - Corn bread topped with ham & cheese, pear, orange, black tea
L - Chicken pieces Asian style. It was ok for a quick bite on the go
D - Roast chicken with potato & salad (leaves, tom, radish, gherkins, olives, 1tbs salad sauce)
S - Pear, medium potato as I was starving whilst waiting for dinner & freezing as it is raining, nectrine, lentil curls, pkt twinees
Fluid - Lemon squash, 3 black tea, 1L water
Exercise - Lots of gardening and climbing up/down 2 flight of stairs a few times. 10km exercise bike


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