Sick of headaches


Full Member
Im really sick of headaches now, im on dark purple ketosis, ive been in lower ketosis since last monday (i was suprised my friday carb cheat didnt knock me out!) paracetamols and ibuprofens arent doing much to keep it at bay. Its constant dull ache that intensifies when i stand up or with bright....had it for 4 days now. Its worse in the mornings. Argggghhhhh driving me mad! Any ideas/tips folks?

JB xxxxx
Hey, i get the headaches at night times-and im just starting day 4 so not sure if im in ketosis. I just keep sipping at the water and get into bed-i always wake up feeling much better!
Are u drinking water throughout the day??

you should try drinking more water, the headaches should pass then, i normally drink 4 ltrs a day (including the water to make my shakes) .